Dancing with the Diamond Star Fire : the 10/10 and 11/11 Gateways and the New Beginning

You live in intense and powerful times, Beloveds. At this time, the Diamond Light and the Diamond Codes are activating your Earth with a fiery form of the Diamond Light that we call the Diamond Star Fire.
What is the Diamond Star Fire?
It is the substance of your Cosmic Being, of your Soul, and the energy of Creativity. You might also call it “Soul Fire”, as it is a powerful electrical fire energy that activates the Cosmic Desire to dance in the light in the Creative Process. It is what we might call “Angel Fire”, and it is where the Soul acknowledges its Divine Essence and accepts the Angelic Star Fire into its Physical Embodiment.
It is a Light and a Fire that burns in the Cosmic Heart with a pure white light. And it is also the Light and the Fire that burns in your hearts and in your souls as you enter the New Reality.
Beloved Ones, many of you are feeling the Diamond Star Fire as it dances along your Light Body Meridians and through your Physical Body via your Nervous System and deep into your Cellular Matrix. Here it dances with your DNA activating new forms and new patterns.
It is indeed a time when the Divine Creative Intelligence is sending the Diamond Fire to burn away what is old and to create what must come. It is a time to be aware of the Diamond Star Fire as it flows into your body and is integrated into your Light Body/Physical Body. It is a time to surrender to the Magic and the Dance, and simply allow Divine Creative Power to create and manifest as the New arises.
The 10/10 and 11/11 Gateways and the “Ignition” of the Diamond Star Fire
Beloved Ones, there are two powerful moments that are coming soon when the Soul Fire will be activating in you and on the Earth. These are Time Gates or Time portals that we call the 10/10 and the 11/11/
The 10/10 occurs on the 10th of October, and it carries the energy of New Beginnings as a 1/1/9 Gateway. The double 1 energy signifies the new beginnings, while the 9 resonated with the energy of Mastery and Completion. You are indeed completing your transformation and mastering the New Energy so that you may begin a new cycle of time and creation in the New Reality.On this day, and after this time,you will feel surges of the Diamond Fire moving through your body and through your life. It is wise to simply allow the Diamond Fire to follow its own creative intelligence and see what it will create. Do not try to control the outcome. Simply dream and desire and allow the Diamond Fire to carry these dreams and desires into manifestation.
The second Time Gate at the 11th November will be a very powerful transition. The 11/11 Gateway is a “Master Activation” portal, and its power of 11/11/9, which is a 2/2/9, activates both the power of the Master Numbers 11 and 13 and the Divine Feminine wisdom of the 2 together with Mastery and Completion. At this point the Diamond Star Fire embodies in the Divine Feminine energy, which means that the powerful flow of Star Fire/Soul Fire will activate through the Pineal Gland and into the Right Brain/Left Brain “chalice” of your own “Crystal” Skull and then be transmitted into your body via the Heart Center.
This will be a most intense activation, and only those who are physically “ready” will be allowed to undertake this by their Higher Self. It requires that the Right Brain and the Left Brain be in harmony and balance, and that the Star Fire can be conducted down the Spinal cord, into the Heart and down into the Earth via the Earth Star Chakra, where it unites with the Earth Fire in the Heart of the Earth.
Here the Diamond Star Fire will be gathered into the Earth Heart and will assist in powering the rising of the New Matrix for the New Earth.
So, Beloveds, as you dream your dreams of a new life and a new reality, you are also dreaming into being a New Earth and a New Reality for All in Higher Consciousness.
The Diamond Consciousness and the New Reality Light Bearers
At this time of change and transformation, there will be three types of people on the Earth : those who are still “asleep” in the old energy consciousness, those who are in the awakening process, and those who have embodied their Mastery and become bearers of the Diamond Fire Consciousness.Those who are still attempting to live life in the old 3D model of duality and conflict, may be termed those who are “asleep”. They are left brain and “rational” thinkers who still operate in linear timelines and are often trapped in prefabricated versions of reality. They have not yet raised their consciousness to an awareness of another way of being and a different model for connection and interaction. Being “asleep” in the old energy and yet existing in a fifth dimensional world makes life very difficult for such people. To them, the deep processes of transformation seem threatening and chaotic, and they often respond by becoming more aggressive and more confrontational and creating more chaos and confusion and anxiety. They feel the effects of the Diamond Star Fire around them, but are unable to harness it or flow with its creative potential.
The second group are those who are in the “awakening” process, and have come to realize that there is another way of life and that a New Paradigm is being birthed on the Earth. They have moved beyond conflict, duality and power games and into the growing and emerging consciousness of Love and Unity Consciousness. They are seeking and learning, and looking for support as they develop their new consciousness and activate their Light Bodies so that they can integrate and create with the Diamond Star Fire.
The third group is those who have Mastered the New Energies and are in the process of integrating and embodying the Diamond Star Fire and living the Diamond Consciousness. They are able to integrate and balance Right and Left brain modes of Being and to operate from their Hearts and from Love and Compassion. They flow with the Creative Energy of the Diamond Star Fire and are able to create their own Time Spirals as they express and create their own versions of the New Reality. They have integrated Soul, Spirit and Body into a single unified expression of Divine Love on Earth!
Beloveds, we might also mention here, the Diamond Children, those magnificent beings of Diamond Light who have been coming to the Planet since the end of 2012. These radiant souls are born with the frequency of the Diamond Star Fire, and wherever they are, they are anchoring the Diamond Star Fire in their Souls and creating opportunities for those around them to open to this new flow of Creative Light.
So, Beloveds, you can see that at this time, Humanity is indeed in flux and flow as the shifts and changes are being activated deep within the Consciousness of All on Earth. When you interact with people on a daily basis, it is always good to remember that not everyone is at the same level of consciousness. If you have reached the level of those who are embodying the Diamond Light, then you will know that you are transmitting and anchoring that light wherever you are.
How you may Feel as you Integrate the Diamond Star Fire
As you integrate this powerful Diamond Star Fire, you will certainly feel this process in your body. Your physical being is absorbing more and more high frequency light energy and vibrating at ever higher frequencies. This will initially cause feelings of intense exhaustion, as if you simply want to sleep all the time. In fact, Beloved Ones, you well may need to rest often and take care of your physical body as it integrates these fiery energies.You may also having “burning” sensations in your body, especially in the digestive system, and you may need to alter your diet to very soft and alkaline foods for a while to allow your body to focus its energy on the transitions. You may also feel pain in your body as the high frequency energy can create inflammation and can irritate areas of old injury or weakness in your body. Be sure to drink water when you need to, to flush out toxins and to “cool” the system which may become “overheated” by the processes of light body and physical integration.
Together with these feelings, you may also experience some feeling of “uneasiness” and strangeness in your body. It may as though electrical currents are running through your body, for this is in fact what it is. The high frequency light uses your nervous system to flow through the physical body and access the physical matrix. This could make you feel jumpy and anxious at times, or you may struggle to “switch off” and go to sleep. Or you may wake up after a few hours feeling stressed. Or you may have strange dreams as your subconscious tries to explain and integrate these processes.
In your daily life, you may feel disoriented and confused at times, and you may forget things and “lose” time. This is because, in computer terms, your hard drive is being reformatted, and some of the “information” might get lost. Just be aware that when the process is complete you will be able to function clearly again.
You may also feel “disconnected” from reality and from others. This is because you are! You are being given the magnificent opportunity to recreate both your own life and reality, and that of the Earth. By dreaming, creating and holding the Diamond Fire in your own being, you are working with the grounding of this powerful new light. Don’t try to “reconnect”, rather focus on creating the New and allow those who are more aligned with your new Light and Frequency to find you!
Working with the Diamond Star Fire in the process of Integration
The best and most positive way to work with the Diamond Star Fire is to engage in activities and processes that allow you to be creative and to access the power and wisdom of your Soul and Spirit.Using your Creativity also allows you to activate the Right Brain part of your being, which means that you will be working towards creating the Right Brain/Left Brain balance that provides the “chalice” for the Diamond Star Fire Light to be received and transmitted.
Creativity can be expressed in many forms according to individual preference.
Perhaps the easiest way to begin is to work with your own Soul Journal, in which you record your daily feelings, experiences and wisdom through words, poetry or images that you create yourself.
It is also a good idea to come together in groups to express your creative soul essence through music, mantra, song, dance, or forms of visual and artistic creation. Being in a group of people of similar frequency and resonance assists you to balance and to activate your own creative flows.
After a while, as you work with your rising creativity, you will begin to see the connection between creativity and creating your life and reality, as you dream and choose the colours, sounds and tastes of your own creations.
What a magnificent adventure this will be as you choose and express the Colours and Tones of your Soul and Spirit, and contribute to the Creation of the New Reality.