Today is one of those days that was supposed to be quiet.
Does the Magnetosphere look quiet and calm to you?
The Solar Winds are flowing over the Solar holes on the sun and racing that energy into you.
There is even an exciting nugget about watching a large patch of energy moving in over our Western Hemisphere.
They don't know where that energy is coming from.
But we do! Our Ascension Teams!
Energies will ebb and flow throughout the day, building as we move into evening EDT.
Things are changing quickly with you now, all around you.
Notice it all and remember there is nothing to fear.
Everything is happening for you to succeed on your journey.
You truly are a Fractal of Source having an experience in humanity.
What can hurt Source?
So don't let the 3d realm try to affect your journey.
This is your life, Your time to step into the Quantum YOU.
Enjoy every moment of it.
Very, very soon, all of this will change in the blink of an eye
Much love and light,
-SA Smith