maandag 3 januari 2022

World Vibration change, passing through the void, & 2022 new vibrations ~ Tracy Woods

World Vibration change, passing through the void, & 2022 new vibrations.

I have been waiting for confirmation from other lightworkers, before I write about this massive change happening at present. I want to thank Michelle Walling for her recent post “about the void time & timeline split”, for her confirmation of also witnessing, what I have been seeing since the 18th of December 2021. Those that follow my telegram channel would have seen the voice message I left on the 20th of December.

We are currently in the middle of the earth vibration changes, and part of any vibration change is to pass through the void. For many years I have worked on myself and helping others through vibration changes, in ascension processes. So what I will be sharing here is what the void space is, what can happen through it, and what we can expect on the other side in 2022.

It’s important to understand there is a difference between personal vibration changes and world vibration changes, yet they are both interlocked in a world vibration change. In the past years all of us lightworkers at times have confused this, even myself. We put out posts saying the big world vibration change was happening, yet in truth we were experiencing our personal vibration change.

I will explain more in a moment and how this affects you all. Spirit has confirmed we will be clear of the void and into the new vibrations on the 15th of January 2022.

So what is the void? It’s a timeless space and it has no locked in space time for normal life experiences. It’s like floating in nothingness out of vibration, so it’s very hard to achieve anything from our energy body. The void is completely open for spirits to intrude, in fact this is where they reside, and it’s their home. The good, bad and the ugly of the spirit world. It could be compared to floating in the veil, or the causal plane. Another way to understand it is floating in the astral realms or the ethers, exposed to all that reside there.

This means that negative spirits can attach to you, and your normal spirit guide protections are down at this time, or very limited. You will experience lots of strange dark thoughts or feelings, caused from influence by these negative spirit intrusions. Dramas, anger, depression, anxiety and tears will all be expanded by these intrusions.

Know this is a temporary situation, it will pass so hold on and try to lift yourself up and back to balance daily. While this is happening you may need to let go, forgive each other, rise back to balance each day. Forgive yourself it may not be you at all. Try your best to not be reactive, walk away, and get busy or sit in nature. Know most of all, that you need to let go and accept these emotional dramas. Negative spirits will create them for their own fun and energy stealing.

The old vibration has gone now, we have moved into the void. The new vibrations for the world will come in slowly, completing on the 15th of January 2022. As the world vibration completes, each person’s personal vibration will settle into a new oscillation. This is determined as the timeline split, personal vibration is based on your own self work, in attitude, behavior and ascension work.

Yet understand we all be still living in the same new world master vibration. Personal vibration is what can be the difference in the type of experiences you undergo here. For those who have reached high vibration you have become the masters of your own destiny, by manifesting.

This time on earth has been a major chance to change vibrations. A type of graduation for the immortal spirit.

Many of you may also experience an increase in your intuition, or seeing spirits for the first time. In fact there are many strange occurrences that can happen. Just observe them and know life will settle into new vibrations shortly, where life will appear stable again.

How do I know this is happening? Logic is part of this answer, yet more importantly noticeable changes in the unseen and seen realms. Logic says if a world vibration change is happening, several lightworkers are going to notice it, and there needs to be definite changes that these lightworkers are noticing, which are the same.

Also the physical world would have to be in a complete breakdown of the old vibration life experiences, this part we know is happening.

In December 2021 month I have been seeing changes in the invisible realms. Spirits have manifested all through my home and even outside, in massive numbers. They are more dense than usual, with a mix of my divine spirit guides, good spirits and bad ones. This is a big change, from the few that resided here before, it was also a very sudden change. I have had vortexes open up suddenly, my youngest son suddenly seeing, saw a tear in the fabric of space in his bedroom, and a giant black shadow step though.

At this same time in December I had several clients suddenly require clearing from intruding spirits. I had noticed spirit intrusions were happening in larger numbers than usual, I keep feeling they are trying to “ride through” vibration changes upon people. This ride though is not possiable beyond 5th density, but could happen in the lower densities.

As I attempted to clear my own home first, I realized my clearings were not working as usual, and I could barely shift things at all. As I talked with my divine guides, it was outlined as world vibration change, and that we were already in the void. I instantly understood as I’ve experienced the void multiple times. No one can effectively clear spirits during a void, as they can come straight back.

For my work and any of you needing my services, here is what I can still do during this vibration change. I’m 7th ray vibration so it allows for some stability in my work during these changes. I can still use clairvoyance with ease, my mediumship skills (talking with spirit), is more expanded, so anything in this area is easier than usual.

Removing of intrusions is effected until the 1st of January 2022 on a personal level for me, and most people it’s the January 15th 2022. This means I cannot resume this work effectively until the 15th of January 2022. I can however offer removals of intrusion for urgent cases after the 1st of January 2022, but there is no guarantee they will stay off, most likely another will replace it.

For those that will move to 5D oscillations, these spirit riders will drop away with no intervention needed.
Divine Blessings and Happy new world new year 2022.
Clairvoyant medium Tracey Woods.