maandag 31 januari 2022

WAYSHOWERS: Amanda Lorence

Sharing the below post from 3 years ago, as I feel it will support many in this now moment of 2022, and what many are experiencing, and can currently relate to. Shared with Love and support to All. Amanda

WAYSHOWERS: We bare witness to our own internal energetic transformation occurring individually. All is so perfect for each. For some, this current Timeline is a gift that encourages us to interact with our OWN INTERNAL physically FELT energies (multiple energetic patterns/pulses/dispersals felt in the body). For every time we engage, merge with the internal energy ‘within’ our physical vessel (our light body), we ARE NOW increasing the power and strength of that energy we physically feel. We are, at our own WILL, now amplifying the energy we individually are VIA our own interaction with it. At this stage, the fascination is with God being ALL things of creation. Yet our humanised work is to actively engage with the Light Body ENERGY in our own waking consciousness state.

At this stage, OUR ENERGY BECOMES US, it becomes what we are. Who we are. Where the excitement with physically feeling and working with our own energy, the Oneness of that, is more fascinating than external talk and communication within our own dream. For we are NOW growing exponentially on the inside, to give out that energy to the outside creational field. It’s a REVERSE EFFECT and EXPERIENCE. Where we give out the energy within us, as the PUREST and latest energy we have embodied so far. Where it does not pass through the linear mind, it does not NEED translation into linear words to GIVE OUT that ENERGY, that we are used to giving out in linear words.

We engage with energy, give out energy, as energy, in the purest state of ENERGY we know ourselves to have embodied thus far. At this point, at this stage, to ‘talk’, to use linear vocabulary, is the act of translating the energy into a recognisable form that only satisfies the linear mind we are in the process of leaving behind. In a multiple frequency environment, talking is necessary to COMMUNICATE with another that can not CONSCIOUSLY understand or communicate so far as the pure ENERGY they TRULY ARE and always have been. This is why, many on the path prefer to JUST sit with each other, be with each other IN SILENCE. For these people KNOW, that their exchange with each other is far more powerful, far more creative, far more beneficial, at the higher frequency energetic version of themselves, they are consciously aware of so far, in an ever changing process. By ASCENDing our energetic frequency, we DESCEND higher energetic frequency INTO the human physical vessel to sustain. The gifts we have been teased with so far, many will be aware of. They may have had step by step experiences of their gifts at incremental stages during their ascension process. These step up, increase, reveal, unfold more and more, the higher in frequency we each go. They unfold in PARALLEL to each’s energetic RISE in Consciousness. It’s a beautiful ‘safeguard’ for this divine plan. For only in rising in energetic frequency can gifts UNFOLD at right time, to greater and greater degree.

These gifts are profound. They are not third dimensional. They are not fourth dimensional. They are not a ‘piercing’ of the veil. They are gifts you already ARE, came in with, to GIVE OUT to a collective consciousness, in service to all, and shall unfold more and more as YOU become the UNIFIED FIELD. Third and fourth dimensional ideas and gifts are exactly that, and belong to the third and fourth dimensional frequency range. They serve a purpose. They can assist to a degree within those frequency paradigms.

Yet they stay there. For we exit to higher planes of experience just with our human vessels and the increasing internal gifts that present and present. We come in with no thing, we leave with no thing. We, at right stage for each, let go of material world fascination and thus put away the outer material toys of a reality we exit. To grow and expand from a higher frequency field and experience that is completely a different experience to 3rd/4th dimension. Fourth dimension is a preparatory space that serves to prepare and adapt us, if we choose, for the exit to 5D and also for some, beyond 5D. For some, the fifth dimension space and field, serves ONLY to literally, physically hold their physical human vessel in a solidity as we experience, work with, higher dimensions from the physical body. For the solid form of human loses it’s solidity upwards from the 5D field. It is not, that the human on an ascending path sees first or comprehends in the linear mind, that the UNIFIED field IS all One Consciousness. It IS that the human experiences WITHIN THEM, their own internal UNIFIED awareness, and from that UNIFIED State of Consciousness, is then able to feel and see the Unified Field in their Outer Reality. For those at the ‘Mastery Stage’ I have briefly explained in previous January Wayshower Updates, they continue what feels and seems like an extraordinary level of internal LEARNING and rise, thus far not experienced. It’s a higher frequency level, they are on another TIMELINE, that others outside of you can only understand if they too are at their own, UNIQUE ‘Mastery Stage’. Each facet can only see, comprehend, understand from the frequency each are at.

This makes the field of sharing our experiences smaller, as we can see each frequency stage being experienced by others for we have gone through it ourselves. Yet it becomes realised that the ‘Mastery Stage’ is only understood by the one experiencing it, which can feel isolating at first for the one going through it, yet equally, they are STRONG and can easily turn to their own internal power for anything. In truth, this is exactly correct and perfect. Because each time they turn inward, turn within, they amplify their own internal divine power of energy. It’s another growth stage. Where they are changing drastically, learning higher wisdom, working with internal energy, and the growth is fast paced, all from within them, to then GIVE OUT their energy in Service to the WHOLE. Unification is an internal process, that is then created and experienced on the outside, via their internal energy and process. It’s how we become the change. Our own energy, our own gifts when EXPANDED, become the CHANGE. Not from a linear third and fourth dimensional thought process, but from OUR own internal leap to higher dimensional energetic state. We know to allow the process a step at a time. Trusting the process. We become more and more living only in...the NOW moment. Act more and more from the NOW moment. We can no longer commit to ‘future’ plans as we don’t relate to ‘future’ any longer. Where the idea of ‘future’, and the idea of ‘past’ appear ‘blank’. We are less able to access a linear thought process of past/future, because in truth they don’t exist. We have literally, energetically, physically, exited that belief system and are only at EASE, with the flow of the NOW moment. I appreciate this and future updates only explains a little of what is occurring on the Mass Ascension Timeline. There is way too much to explain, baring in mind that each are at their own stage of their own ascension process, whether awake or asleep. Regardless, it is all so perfect and all a gift. Now we play, with our full trust and awareness of what we agreed to first forget, then remember. One Love. Amanda Lorence 30 January 2019