vrijdag 28 januari 2022

There is a great unraveling ~ Grace Solaris

There is a great unraveling, dismantling of all illusion right now presenting itself ruthlessly, that is being propelled by unparalleled inpouring of galactic plasma diamantine light. It is like a pulling away of the rug beneath your feet energetically, there is a whole new frequency band, that is being introduced, a shifting to a collective new octave of light, that we still need to integrate and accomodate to and learn to navigate, because all known tools do no longer work, all old limiting and compromising patterns or behaviours can no longer exist here and it creates somewhat turmoil and chaos forcing us to review our engagement and interaction with others and with self.
All egoic self betrayal is being exposed, as soul is stepping in full power. This dimensional octave of light is one of soul presence, no pretence can exist here, no lies, no deceit, all will be revealed and unravelled thru the illumination of the heart by soul presence and the omnipresence of love. We have reached a level in consciousness of full disclosure from within so that the higher dimensional intellegence, the LOGOS, HOLY SPIRIT SOPHIA CODES can be fully anchored into the grid of the new earth Tara.

However the stronger soul is presenting itself, the stronger ego will try to keep you in a no longer existing "comfort zone" and come in as distortion, creating imbalance... imfesting your thoughts, emotions and even your behaviours, so absolute diligence and focus is demanded at this time to not fall into lower egoic sabotage, that aims at preventing you from stepping into pure soul presence. Soul will not and cannot allow to be compromised any longer in this new energy and so all that you do is required to be in alignment with your soul, authentic, raw and real. To allow yourself to be stripped naked to the core of all protective shields of disguise, pretence and protection, because these will reject and prevent spirit from entering your body. Your lower human conditioning, needs to step aside and give way for love.

So atm there is a stripping to the core that takes place... the egoic layers of protection are removed, ego dynamics exposed. Where are you pretending and not genuine to self, where are you witholding love to self, where are you not acknowledging self, compromise self, where are you acting out of lack and seeking for external validation and love. This will be exposed as wounds or just as an old conditioning imprint even if you are aware of the patterns.

These attachments to lower human conditioning will be triggered and exposed to you, as this higher light octaves that are ushered into the planet is a magnifying glass, that amplifies all that IS felt, seen and experienced within the human experience and it does not discern as to good or bad. It shows everything as it is blatantly undistorted 1:1 as within so without, as above, so below.

When unattended and unhealed these aspects "run your life" as they have their own agendas, which are often a reflection of the collective narrative, because the very core of the matrix IS causing division thru fear, pain and trauma. It lives of trauma and loosh energy. So be grateful if you are triggered, pause, turn within and connect with that aspect of you, that is fragmented and separated from the higher intellegence and your multidimensional self.

This is the first step, the step of bringing into awareness, where you are limiting yourself. If you reject, surpress and live in self denial, there is no way out of our the matrix and the karmic wheel of suffering. You are trapped in the unconscious human attachment to lower human desire and egoic addictions, that create suffering. You are literally addicted to suffering.

It takes 100% honesty and full commitment to unplug and take responsability for creating your individual experience of reality. And understanding that you are creating realities thru feeding into your thoughts (which sometimes are not even your thoughts, but a projected version of other's thoughts and their limited ideas or agenda) as well as thru the feelings, that are ignited by these unconscious thoughts promoted by your lower human consciousness or lower projections directed to you by others, who use you as a reflection screen for their unresolved unconscious shadow aspects.

Now as we stand at the threshold to a new consciousness, the grand awakening, it is critical, that each of us take responsability, that we take a conscious step into being co-creators with the divine and own our divinely given ability to create. That we respond to our ability to choose what we give our energy to, and to administer and master how we use our precious divine shakti energy, that flows to us from Source, and which we are taking in thru the holy breath on and on and on. The Holy spirit is the christ intellegence, the galactic super intellegence, that has been withheld from humanity throughout thousands of years. And it is now the time where it is re-introduced to humanity as we have reached the critical mass needed to embody divine truth god omnipresence.

By aligning with the divine intellegence and choose love over fear you will be unplugging yourself from the matrix once and for all. Now is the time, that each of us head the calling, the trumphets are sounding, for now is the time for us to reclaim our divinity, to usher in a higher intellegence to ensure the ascension of beloved Gaia into being the star of christ consciousness she is destined to be and for us to reclaim our status as angelic solar beings, pure embodiments of the LOGOS.

An explosion of consciousness is about to be ignited. The human evolution is going to accelerate to the speed of light into a true revolution and revelation of the Godhead. It was initiated on 21:12:21 collectively spoken, though individuals.. that are serving as Keepers of the Flame were and are already being prepared. This process of preparation can take weeks or months depending on the prior inner work already done and the current frequency of light of the individual, so it is not an overnight thing but will be perfectly administered in this activation by the Maha Chohan and teams of light.

Maha Chohan is now stepping forth to ease the process to those ready to move thru the eye of the needle! The Maha Chohan is a representative of the Holy Spirit to earth and her evolutions, the planetary logos. He initiates souls in the secret chamber of the heart and helps them prepare to receive all nine gifts of the Holy Spirit: wisdom, knowledge, faith, healing, miracles, prophecy, discernment of spirits, speaking in tongues and interpretation of tongues.

If you are called, or if you have already signed up eaons ago, you will instantly feel it, you already carry the seed of knowing, deep within, and it is already ignited thru receiving this message, if this is for you. Keepers of the flame, it is your time to return to the Garden and reclaim the sacred land within, become the sacred cauldrons of heaven-on-earth.

Needless to say this is not for everyone, but for those that are willing to let go of ALL, to forgive ALL, to sacrifice ALL WORLDLY TREASURES to become ONE with God. Even to be willing to let go of LOVE to become it to serve and be ONE with God.

Grace Solaris with the Maha Chohan
Here is the link to sign up: