maandag 3 januari 2022

Carrie Husband ~The Kabal

The Kabal . . . .it not what you think that it is. I am not speaking of Kabbalah here but the shadow side that everyone thinks is running the 'game show.'

Yesterday, my heart was pierced as I saw this Hebrew word in a different light. As we are rising up into our new form/being, many have experienced 'oneness' and have begun to truly see the matrix game show of duality. Through this revelation the eyes of our hearts have unified this dual system neutralizing/transmuting it through love as the essence of the unseen that is. This is a difficult step for some, it is known well as this was something I, too, wrestled with. How do we neutralize all that we see as 'evil' in the world? Stop attaching yourself to it. All is information. All is light. Therefore, all is love.

For those who are moved by such things, and feel it is necessary to do something about the evil you see, may blessing be bestowed upon you in your doing. I honor all journeys.

(Through heart vision, I took the Aramaic word for love and placed it back into Hebrew as the two languages were never meant to be divided in their origin of intent. However, as we entered into the 4th dimension of good/evil it split the sacred Chaldean language into two parts - the splitting of the masculine/feminine.)

What is my point? It is this. When doing so, seeing the word Kabal with the word for 'love' within it, I saw love in action. 'Love' was then given the staff of authority by Father. This was purposed, intentional, as an act of love. How could this be?

The word Kabal in Hebrew means "to destroy/hurt/bind - separate/divide in order to keep the heart in anxiety, fear, terror". It also means 'pledge: a solemn (serious/sincerity) promise or undertaking.' Finally, it is a meaning to writhe in pain as connected to parturition/birthing.

Why am I bringing all of this up? The Kabal, having been given authority by the Father, have been used to prick, sting, goad, and urge you on as a catalyst. They took a solemn vow to play their part that would ultimately help all of us to birth something new. They have been utilized to assist you in your journey, through the shadow side, to raise you up into your own Sovereignty by driving you inward to build your heart, flip the polarity as to find your own authority/power/negentropy/salvation, neutralizing their authority over you. This has come at a great price for them.

This was meant to deliver you from victimhood, seeing everything as one, benevolence, in the grand drama that we have been a part of, changing roles/identities, playing the 'good guys' as well as the 'bad guys'. When you truly see that we are all benevolent beings sent to help one another mature/grow/rise then love will flow. We will embrace life instead of separation. This brings forth a heart of gratitude in/through all things - the full embrace of love as this is salvation - chaiyah - the quintessence, pentagrammaton, of life completed as form has been filled and can now see through the eyes of the heart, the eyes of true love.

Shlama shalom. Chedutha! Namaste.