maandag 3 januari 2022

The Return ~ Linda Good McGillis

The Return
May today be the Cupid arrow that pushes you beyond death. May the illusion of loss be forever more laid to rest. As death of what was and birth of what verily Is, reveals itself unto Thee, is pronounced and announced ... May the breath of Life be brought forth in, of and through each heart.

The broadband ascended worlds are Now fully disengaged from good and evil and anchored verily into the New Sun grid of Good and Honor ...unless each individual choose otherwise.
2022 brings the Second Coming, the Return of the genuine Christos.

Not each individuals varying truth of what beliefs of their version of what Christ or Christed Light means.

For those who pierced the veils of definition your Individuality is surrendered to uniqueness.... an embodied application of responsibility as guardians of the Kingdom. That which is known as Gaia.

Gaia means Life. Not a diety trapped by God's and Goddesses who thrived in obsessive battle games of Power.
2022 brings Life to those who chose heart based living. The heart lives by sensory versus imagery sight.

These next 6 days each will fully anchor in the frequency of Light or non light within their heart to be their unique ascended timeline reality. Each will be and experience truly their own reality/universal world interacting and flowing within and through interlinking of others.
To be born anew meant be willing to release the old. Version of oneself. Have you verily emptied your vessel? Watch the unfolding and each will know. Have you aligned what you think, what you say and what you do or are they still separated through non observance of the mortal you "were" when the planet ascended.

You each were and are in control. That was your awakening. To choose the innerstanding you are the matrix, you each corrupted the matrix/consciousness and you each were responsible for changing your universal corrupted and infiltrated consciousness. All to be done through your free will as it was your free will of actions and behaviors that destroyed the purity of your hearts. Many began, few rose above and verily changed.

May 2022 bring each into the knowing, this moment, this experience, what is in your present now is the only world that exists. All star nations, star races, deminsions, frequencies have always been present and here. It required the eye of the heart to see through your individual delusions of the world's and choose to be in the timeless now.

From my heart to yours .... May you each be elevated and may all verily embody Good and Honor.
For those who do not, may you each discover the beauty in life as you finish out your contracts.

Welcome to the New Sun World. One built upon an underglow of Light that emanates the Love of the Cosmic Heart
Happy New Now.
Embracing all, with the Glory of which we Are