Witness the drama playing out in the world and around you sometimes, do not make yourself a part of it. You are the Divine Compassionate Observer.
You take responsibility for what you have created around you right now, then decide what it is that you want to continue with, engage in.
You take full and conscious responsibility for being on Earth, as Soul Being having chosen this experience, and expand your knowingness of your "internal" reality, then everything can change.
You are a very, very ancient and mighty Soul Being. You are in a very brief ‘”movie” as HUman having a very special and unique journey. You are here to experience and enjoy the rest of it, and find the gifts in what you have already experienced.
You are the Master of your destiny and it is now time to create anew.
You are now being asked (by your Soul Being, ‘Higher Self') to see through the Eyes of your Love and commit to this stance 24/7.
No more “Spirituality" on or off. No more slipping into old thought-habit-loop-mode.
Your LIGHT IS ON all the time and when it feels as though it is not, you are learning, faster and faster ,to switch back into it without self-judgement.
The changes you will make are very simple but they are profoundly life changing.
To honour yourself and the truth that you came here to be a part of something.
That you are not small and insignificant but Divine and powerful.
That you are not alone but are a vital co-creator in a Grande gathering that includes the coming together and sharing with your brothers and sister here on Earth.
That you, in your Shining are part of a brilliant Light, that You are an essential part of that Whole.
Be committed to being in the moment and really trusting and feeling yourself.
You have to claim your place yourself, no one can do it for you nor give you permission for You to be YOU.
Only you can claim your place in this Unity of Being.
Shine On
I So Love You