Immense powerful shifts happened in the last 48 hours.
Indeed, we now brought back to our original Soul Contracts, Soul Purpose and Calling in the highest degrees.
Before we incarnated in this lifetime, we all met with our highest guides, the Divine Counsels for Souls, as we prepared for this incarnation. What comes to the fore very clearly in my Soul Readings since the 5 July 2020, when the Old Earth ceased to be and the New Earth was born, is that all souls knew that this would happen BEFORE they incarnated!
So every soul very well knew that the Great Awakening would happen and indeed that they would be shaken awake to the core.
Now, since last year indeed a great awakening has happened, and the second and third waves of awakening are upon us in the next few months and will increase.
The shifts which have happened over the Weekend, is bringing us right back to our own souls and our soul contracts, purpose and calling!
During my Last webinar on the White Flame I said the following: “The Return of the White Flame has been my quest since my own awakening in 2004 and then seriously so, since 2009, when I was called to reactivate the Crystal Pyramids Temples and was put in touch with the Crystal Pyramid Temple of White Flame, the Crystalline Pyramid Grids, and began clearing the Spinal Column of the Earth as all are connected.
Indeed, this then culminated in the transmission of the true History of planet Earth, of Elysium, the Wars of Heavens and the Lion Kingdom. The Journey continued for me into Avalon, the third civilization, Mu and Lemuria and the last, Atlantis.
Through these years, I myself had to endure intense purification and initiations, and undeniably my life became a quest for the Return of the White Flame. I always understood that this was held by the Divine Feminine and that somehow this information had been lost, or severely suppressed.” (Details in my book: "Why I was born in Africa: the unrecorded history of Elysium and the Lion Kingdom")
There is far more to this, as I touched on during my webinar, and indeed the White Flame will make its presence felt in immensely powerful ways! The Divine Mother Flame is being returned and powerfully so! It is the Flame of Purity, Integrity, Truth, Christ Consciousness, the Pyramid Energy, the Sacred Geometries, the Sun Discs, the Sacred Sounds/Tones, Joy, Clarity and The Power of Unconditional Love and the 7th Sun of Illumination.
Indeed, this morning I was brought right back to this Quest, and indeed my own soul’s incarnations through many lifetimes and thus now being called in a much higher and greater degree.
I was shown that this is true to ALL souls on earth: - you will literally be brought to the core truth of your own soul, why you incarnated, and more the importantly, that you indeed wished to finally leave all and old behind forever, and to allow yourself to stand in your highest soul truth and integrity, and with a renewed sense of Calling and Purpose and now truly allow yourself to be stretched in much greater degrees to BECOME this – in a much higher dimensional form.
There is no going back, and neither is there any shrinking allowed.
Indeed, it is time to renew our soul commitments and honor them and then to serve from the depths of our hearts and souls truly and lovingly, as we master this phase of transfiguration and resurrection into the New Earth!
When you recommit you will indeed find the Golden Gates open for you in ways you cannot even imagine right now.
Judith Kusel
Photo: Ellen Vaman "The Crystal Pyramid Temple of the
White Flame", commissioned by me