woensdag 2 december 2020

El Morya: Align with the ‘Will To Do Good’

El Morya: Align with the ‘Will To Do Good’

master el morya eraoflightdotcomGreetings, I AM El Morya, Keeper of the Scepter, Defender of the Faith. And I do not speak of this or that faith, I speak of faith, I speak of alignment of one’s essential, authentic, playful, joyful, child-like, adult-like, crone-like, sage, to align your will with Divine Will.

I have come again to speak to you about the will to do good. Now, note that I say… I do not say ‘think’ good, I do not say ‘hope’ good, I invite you, I plead with you, align with the will to ‘do’ good. The Mother has issued her clarion call several times. She does not do this simply to hear herself think. She does so to beckon you, to beckon this collective, and yes, beloveds, you are the pathfinders, you are the wayshowers… but you do not do this alone. That is why I come… no, not in form, we will leave that to Yeshua, and St. Germaine, and Djwhal Khul… but, let me make my presence felt, and very clear. You step forward as the shepherds, as the servants, as the wayshowers. That is the essence of leadership.

Yes, it is to attempt and often take the hero’s journey… to lead others away from pain, from destruction, from disaster. No, I am not being prophetic about Armageddon or any of these ridiculous notions. I am talking to you, my friends, about the creation of Nova Earth… not as some distant horizon, not even as some promised land, because the promised land is Gaia, it is this planet of grace. Her essence is the ability to shift, to change, to grow… she is the quintessential shapeshifter. And she has invited you, the Mother has invited you, to be part of this adventure, this adventure of rebirth, and might I say, reconsecration, recommitment. And you say to me, “Lord, I don’t know if I have the energy to reconsecrate or recommit.” And yet, my beloveds, I gaze at you, I know you, and I know as wayshowers, as pathfinders, you go forward. You always have.

Now, there is discussion, and the Mother has confirmed, of course… she creates, has already birthed, what you think of as a new species of human. And some of you have wondered… well, am I the prototype? The answer is no. The prototype has been in development for a very long time. Yes, we, Yeshua and St. Germaine, Lao Tzu, so many of us have worked and anchored this energy. You are the perfected model. You are the beings with the wisdom, and the courage and stubborn determination, fortitude, and the lightness of hope, of joy, of trust, to step forward, yes, in what is a massive undertaking. It is a rebirthing of humanity.

And what does that mean? It means much of the old that you have thought of as indestructible goes by the wayside, and it only goes by the wayside because it no longer serves. And what does serve, even if it needs renovation, reconstruction, it stays, it remains, as a pillar of light, as a lighthouse, guiding, directing, many who are seeking exactly that.

When you will to do good, when you are in alignment with your sacred self, your divine, universal self, and the Mother/Father/One, you radiate this out. None of us have ever asked, requested, or encouraged you to get on a soapbox anywhere. One of the qualities of leadership is to be meek, is to be humble, is to see and to bring forth the brilliant light in others. It does not include any form of ego or self-aggrandizement… that is apparent to everybody. Yeshua did not say, ‘lead, follow’… he simply talked, shared, loved. And this is what you do.

So, I come this day, my beloved friends, so many of you who have walked with me before, I come to give you my scepter, my flame of truth. Yes, it is exactly the same as Michaels, but you can never have too many reminders. It lights your way. It declares your divine authority. It is a symbol of your sovereignty and your ability to act within that sovereignty to bring forth truth and justice which is kind and compassionate and never seeks to overrule.

I am with you in this journey of light, in this journey of love. So, the true question is… Are you with me? I will help you… not as overbearing master, but as one who has learned and chosen to do good.

Go with my love, and go, sweet angels, in reconsecration of your sacred self, of each other, of your journey, and of this planet’s collective. Farewell.

Channel: Linda Dillon
©2020 Council of Love, Inc.