woensdag 2 december 2020

Anchoring the seeds of Light ~ Amelia Bert

How are you feeling Lightworker?
This is undoubtedly one of the most intense shifts we've gone through (apart from the first spiritual awakening).
Since 11/11 I felt the energy intensify, and the sun became super active blasting us with geo storms.
We've been going from an upgrade to an upgrade, clearing, and initiation after another.
All sorts of symptoms running wild. I personally had to spend nights affirming that all is well. Through the heavy frequency, you get lost in the dense thoughts.
To return to your center and raise your vibration requires extra effort because your body buzzes and all sorts of emotions run wild.
Are you in that phase too? If you are, then we're in this together. If you are feeling the opposite shifts of bliss and joy, then congratulations.
It doesn't mean that anyone is getting it wrong, but we're shifting in different ways right now. The energies are perfect for what we need to clear or shape right now.
However, there's something I want you to read carefully. The December Angel forecast brought me tears of release. I knew it deep within to be true, but the confirmation frees you.
Sometimes, there will be times when the shifts feel like they knock you down, and open old wounds. You get triggered, you become fearful, moving from the fight or flight response, to worry and density. Sometimes, you might lose focus, and think that you're creating all of this, that it has no end. Sometimes, obsessive fears stick out of nowhere, or old trauma comes to the surface. Well, all those times, are not a coincidence. You are moving through powerful shifts, deep through your cellular memory. If it gets so intense it's not because there's something wrong, or that you're crazy, or that you create the fears yourself. You are shifting. The stronger the symptoms, the stronger the shift.Trauma comes up to be processed and cleared, it brings with it the density and the emotions. There's not a coincidence, if you're ready to face it, and however tough it gets, I remind you that it's worth it. You'll get through this. its the next natural process of your ascension path. Accept those emotions, don't run away from them. Intend that they release and replace them with light and love. This is a huge transition for many going through initiations of that sort. Not all feel it, but if you do, know that all is well.