dinsdag 7 juli 2020

LoveHasWon Special Message ~ Living Heaven on Earth By: Dylan Woodward of The First Contact Ground Crew Team

LoveHasWon Special Message ~ Living Heaven on Earth

By: Dylan Woodward of The First Contact Ground Crew Team
True Spirituality is about connecting with Source. Aligning with Mother God. It is one of the most empowering things you can do. It heals your soul. It is joyous and unconditionally loving. It doesn’t separate, but rather it unifies. 

It is everything the enlightening human being wishes to create for themselves and the planet because it is the energy of endless possibilities. 

That energy is available to you no matter where you are. In every moment. So, accept that you are worthy, that you are a part of the whole and bring joyful spirituality to your day to day life

. By doing so, you will be living Heaven on Earth.