vrijdag 3 juli 2020

July is Here~We Have Tipped the Scales By A Gift from Gaia

July is Here~We Have Tipped the Scales

By A Gift from Gaia
July is here, we have tipped the scales and we are now on the home stretch, albeit there is still so much more ground to cover.
The month ahead in terms of energy feels somewhat like a bedding in period as opposed to high action and abrupt transformation that we have come accustomed to in 2020. There has been an incredible amount of change these past 6/7 months and the gift of July brings the space in which we can really get to know thyself once again.
When we choose to take the path of light what we receive is the most incredible love story in which life becomes a pattern of lightening and loving, the more we lighten the more our tastes, appreciation, and requirements change and there is nothing more exciting than having a new version of Self to explore and love more on each twist of this journey.
July has the theme of stabilisation, it’s where we come back to the heart and the first two weeks especially will provide the insight to show each of us exactly how we are about to expand on this. The second half of the month will begin to highlight the unconscious anchors and attachments that possibly stand in the way of what is next to enter.

But for now let us take a breather, there has been so much to take stock on and its time to really get to know the new lighter you, and this is most important before the incoming Lunar Eclipse, we will get to this shortly.
“What’s done is done, its what you do now that counts” are the words that entered my thoughts when I sat down to begin writing this report and there is no truer words to share as we begin July, there is tension in the air, there is friction and frustration, we can taste it in our mouths and it tastes bitter however what this actually tells us is that there is plenty of room for growth, that the lack is about to polarise for it to be seen more easily and therefore the opportunity to neutralise arises for the healing to then take place.
Do not lose sight of the purpose we are all currently surfing, which is a redistribution of energy, this means that our old values must be turned off before we can turn the new on. Turning the old values off was much of what we saw within the reflection of the virus and this is covered massively in one of the new light keys that is birthing through me now, I will be sharing in the Opal Portal very soon.
The virus showed us all where there was waste, pollution and dis-ease/disharmony and how this mess was a reflection of our truth, of our core frequency and it was through the mirror of the virus being thrust in our faces that we got to see how we have been unconsciously and blindly participating in a world that is programmed into the death cycle as opposed to the life cycle.
A little like a cup half empty instead of the cup being viewed as half full
It became very apparent that during our lockdown the light community got lighter by seeing the habits, addictions and perceived needs and wants and from this view each began choosing to lighten the load to release, making way to adopt new sustainable and healthfilled practices that offer point and purpose to assist in forging the new light path ahead.
However, what creates some friction even in the most light filled of beings is how to now operate when stepping back into the collective which appears as though it hasn’t learned, who didn’t see what was required to be seen and appears to have gushed back into the “norm” the moment the lockdown lifts. The answer to this is so very simple, its showing you exactly where there is a level of nonunderstanding as to how this all operates, its highlighting the judgement still held within that now burns in the reflection of seeing the unconscious version of you from yesterday and this now gives more opportunity for each to stabilise and bring peace into the equation in which each learns to observe the ebb and flow of change.
The light community holds the field in super space and allows for all opportunities that assist in the understanding of how we manifest and create our world through our thoughts, feelings and actions to move in and out of our field of learning, without judgement and therefore without defence.
The light community knows that patterns repeat and the opportunities to turn the nonunderstanding into understanding will continue until all has been cleared, this is simply a part of a process and not the process in its entirety.
So, if there is a feeling of frustration or restriction bubbling up then know there is much more space to be found within, the only thing that will be standing in the way is a judgement or belief boundary.
There are much fewer planetary aspects in July, which means the space and freedom opens to create magic, however it is in this space and freedom that restriction, if present within, will make itself known, let’s not forget that until we master the mirrored world we play with the polarity and duality that the programming holds, how we experience is down to the core frequency each holds and it is this frequency alone that determines how this manifests in the reality, the more higher and expanded the conscious frequency held the more we have to play with in the new, whereas the more unconscious the tones the more restriction will call for patience to be learned so that the old can be finally left to dissolve, but what is clear is that the entire spectrum will have the next two weeks to explore the space that these fewer transits will allow – a growth period is ahead!
This space then creates a lift off effect for the second half of the month which will once again act much like a reap what we sow energy in terms of the effort and energy that we put into the first half. If peace is your focus then peace will be the tone achieved, those who have stabilised in the peace tones then play with the magical energies of miracle healings and those who have stabilised in the wisdom that the healings provide will then sit is a space to begin participating in the NewBuild, the space in which light structures are built that are zero carbon/karmic and fully sustainable as they are built with the purity of light.
This spectrum of peace through to healing through to constructing light structures holds its roots within the 3rd and final eclipse of this season, it’s a quantum leap that is available, but in order to achieve it we must be weightless OR the alternative is we receive the “failed” (there is no failure) checklist that we received at launch to THEN begin making the adjustments ready for the next opportunity to leap – there is more, there is ALWAYS MORE.
The reverberation of “what’s done is done, its what we do now that counts” comes back in as a matter of importance, meaning no matter how this month pans out there is NO loss or waste providing we take the information we receive and do something super light beneficial with it. Bring it all within, internalise it, realise the reflection as the creation of the core frequency held and shift from that space.
I have spaces available for 1-2-1 sessions if required please email connect@agiftfromgaia.com or book through the website and I will email to arrange https://agiftfromgaia.com/…/1-2-1-with-andrea-cutlan-found…/
Come mid month we have the medicine required, it could well be the bitterness but truth is, all the best medicine tastes horrible but if you want healing then it will be time to “man up” and swallow the pill…
Here is a brief overview of the movements we have ahead:
1st July – According to the western astrology map Saturn retrograded back into Capricorn. Those who observe the planets will know that when Saturn entered Aquarius was the point in which our lockdown began. With the shift back into Capricorn we can see how we now have an opportunity to revisit this period and to look at what got us to experience such a loud disturbance in the field. Obviously, as I shared earlier in the report, the reflection highlights our waste and disconnection from our purpose and so using this time for some introspection in terms of the foundation of you will be highly rewarding and revealing.
Beliefs and core values, what governs you, your rule, all of that is now open and ready for new contracts and its time to take a good look at the tender applications and see what is now best suited for the journey ahead. Remember, zero waste equates to zero karmic/carbon footprints and the lighter you become the quicker you too can begin floating over the sands of time.
Saturn coming back into Capricorn also enables any unconscious time constraints to be looked at and expanded upon, there is a pegging, an anchor that takes us back to March which is where and when the shift began so by taking a closer look and some super introspection there is a lot of expansion available, some super releases are about to open up.
If you’re not sure what was happening back in March and could do with a recap then perhaps the energy report libraries found in both the Sapphire and Opal Portals at the website may assist, this was the reason I created them, so that we can take a look back again at when cycles began. The older these libraries become the more valuable they will be for those studying the patterns and cycles of the Alignment.
Here is the link to the free Sapphire portal to take a look – https://agiftfromgaia.com/wp-login.php?action=register
For a more intricate library and an abundance of light keys and activations to guide and assist perhaps consider supporting the Opal Portal which you can enter here – https://agiftfromgaia.com/register-opal-portal/
Saturn returning to Capricorn is likely to be triggering those with a rather large Bank of I Know, meaning there will be plenty of realisations and opportunities to do what it is you already know you need to shift and change but perhaps wasn’t quite aware of the importance at that time, however those now requiring to complete a 180 degree turn will be able to do so with ease now, super supported, providing the purpose to be a Care Giver is fully aligned to. Any sacrificing, any inability to receive the guidance and what is actually being given is need/return based and these behaviours are most definitely no longer permitted, this will be rebounding back as a reflection for all to be seen in its truth, that’s the wonderful thing about Saturn in Capricorn, all must be in Order, Cosmic Order, and it works very differently to the human order we programmed ourselves into.
4th to the 8th July – According to the modern/western astrology map the Sun enters to the alignment with our Central Sun, Sirius. This alignment is crucial in the next phase which promises faster download speeds. This ultimately requires more value and more focus in order to keep up, so on the one hand things are likely to begin getting rather “zippy”, the visions are showing excited protons that are vibrating so fast they are building up a super magnetic pull that is going to be drawing all that is in the range of matching frequencies forward for the opportunity of expansion. On the other hand we have the resistance in which we are to see more of the collective dissolution – stay focused all must be cleaned, cleared and tuned up to continue, otherwise it manifests as its truth which is waste, this waste then shows itself as dysfunctional for it to be released from our world.
That which is of no use will now leave, this must be understood as the way of the world from this point on so that the phases of clearing can be held in pure acceptance.
5th July – Capricorn Lunar Eclipse according to western astrology and it hits the Galactic Centre when we view from the Sidereal astrology, either way this is a quantum leap of an extraordinary size. I will cover this in its own individual report as both maps require a lot of attention to share the most magical picture. This full moon is one of the most spectacular and completes the eclipse season for this summer, an eclipse season that gave us an almighty hop, skip and a quantum jump motion. This has the power to entirely transform life, the sun sits on Sirius and the Moon hits Vega if we look at modern astrology and if we look at ancient astrology we have the moon in eclipse over the galactic centre, if this energy doesn’t send your spine into racing tingles then there are obviously blockages that require some tending to.
This eclipse is now the focus, and the point to this focus is to remove all the WOWS and settle into the new now so that the transformation can move in with ease without any unconscious drag in the field that highlights lack. When we experience the overwhelm within the WOWS what we receive is the need for downtime as we expend the energy, it gets sucked into our voids of lack and we begin to create a drag in time. Of course, these points give us direction to the healing of our lack BUT the point is that it’s a pointless experience when we understand what it is showing us, hence me sharing with you now.
Smooth transitions are essential for quantum leaps but most essential to be able to hit the ground running upon landing.
The guidance here is…
Expectations are to be dissolved however we do come to expect nothing but the grandest on the light path. Sounds confusing I know but there is a balance point in which we know our value, we understand our worth at core level and therefore when we are in a period of manifesting the new we must come to expect the most aligned outcomes, otherwise we are holding distrust and lack chords.
Prepare for the arrival of your dreams, and we want zero shock going into the field so plan/envisage now and bring that dream alive…
12th July – Chiron stations retrograde and does so on the fixed star Algenib (modern astrology) this star in known to be an unfortunate star and represents vanity and bad judgement in its lowest octaves whilst holding ambition, intuition and enthusiasm in its higher octaves. The point and purpose is already been seen in these words, the collective is about to push but its pushing without listening to the guidance FOR it to learn about intuition and following those heart led I KNOWS that we all once failed to listen to. When we look at this retrograde through the soul aligned map of ancient astrology we find Chiron in Pisces and this retrograde then conjuncts with the fixed star Achemar which is known as a highly fortunate star that brings sudden success, spiritual alignments and access to new realms. These two maps really do highlight the spectrum of what can and will be achieved through the Chiron retrograde and again, this deserves its own incredibly special report. I hold the energy of Chiron so very dear to my heart as its with every conjunction, square, trine that it made throughout these past years that lit up my path that led me to the beginning of my healing. Chiron has been the energy that has shown that miracle healings are most definitely available providing I was to show up and be brave enough to enter the deep pains of the past for intense cleaning. Which I did and which led me to discover that we are most definitely able to heal the blind and the deaf and we can most definitely heal what we believed to be mute, there is a sweet song to be learned in the silence….
July 12th – Mercury stations direct and shoots our new style communication into uncharted territory, movement opens and opportunities arise
14th July Mars conjuncts Chiron in retrograde, this is going to be a crucial point that sets us up for the incoming Mars retrograde in September and if I can offer any guidance to assist here it really is to pay very close attention and to adopt a more ruthless, or perhaps accountable attitude in which there is very little value given to that which emits discord into the field. The wounding, or rather the reflection of the wounding will make itself known through the players in the life field and this will require immediate action where the responsibility is taken, accountability is given and respect becomes the main objective for the remedy.
Mars is home now; this is his space, and all must align. This is a great chance for some super deep cleansing to take place that come September we will be happy the steps were taken now.
15th July – Sun is in opposition to Jupiter, at the point “this” all began on January 12th. The sun now is opposing the point in which the Capricorn Council met with the Saturn and Pluto conjunction, themes from January are likely to bring some super-sized “AHA” moments to complete the patterns. This conjunction removes any shreds of doubt and really brings in the finishing touches, it will be obvious why then was not now, you will be seeing clearly how and why things couldn’t take off then and how now is a much more perfect alignment for take-off.
We have been aligning to our purpose, and this takes time.
This point in time, the date is a super alignment for me as it holds the birthday of someone who walked on Earth up until our 24th year in which she left this realm, to say this day will be abundant feels like a celebration I haven’t attended for the past 21 years, this is the year in which the celebrations return and I will be holding the yellow rose as my symbol. Lets make the 15th July a sea of yellow roses, lets celebrate the beauty of transformation and lets celebrate our abundant lives together and create an energy wave so wide that it encompasses our entire planet.
20th July – New Moon in Cancer (modern astrology) opposing Pluto and Jupiter. A blue moon!
If you thought the full moon had some surprises in store just wait and see what this can reveal! Manifest now my loves, this is what its ALL about and why it is so very important to have been releasing the W.O.W.S so that we can walk straight into the arm of our dreams.
22nd July – and I feel weak at the knees, my arms have gone floppy trying to type and I hadn’t even considered these codes that I can feel as my fingers dance over the keys I touch to type – Holy Moly what do we have here then.
Its another 22 code, so that’s pretty neat – it will be our 7th (seven is a number of great change) of the year and each 22 code this year has been filled with opportunity for transformation, so watch out 22.07.22 we are coming and this also coincides with the tropical zodiac and the movement of the sun entering Leo, “the new leading energy is birthed from within” are the words that just entered.
Astrology speaking when the tropical zodiac enters Leo this means that our sun is in position (as per our view from earth, or the ancient astrology map) to traverse the Great Central Sun Sirius. Something is making itself obvious here to let us know that nothing will be the same come the 3rd week of July.
Our next stop will be Mars entering shadow period and Venus leaving, which will create a new field of balance for us all to learn how to operate and begin preparing for more unconscious frequencies to begin smashing and crashing in time for the Great Mars Retrograde in September.
This is going to be such a beautiful month in which we are now responsible for stabilising in these new behaviours and frequencies and begin readying ourselves to receive the lift off that unfolds in the remaining months of this incredibly transformative year.
If you wish to receive ALL the detailed reports then please head through the Opal Portal and become a supporting member of the light shared – https://agiftfromgaia.com/register-opal-portal/
I am sharing so MUCH love with you all