donderdag 6 januari 2022

Welcome to the day of epiphany .... The twilight of the Gods ~ Linda Good McGillis

Welcome to the day of epiphany .... The twilight of the Gods.

As the compression increases, much will be presented, surface and be experienced showing where separation is still held within.
Majority wakes up through understanding of information. Study, research, inputting of information. All distractions that kept one in the mind and convinced they are in the heart.
Awakening has never been about gathering understanding. Understanding feeds the minds control.

The definitions and beliefs of what love is, has railroaded many who have gained awareness.
Ideations, versions of what being in the heart, what heart centeredness is again has created and promoted more division and separation rather than unity.
For one who has verily unified within the heart, distrust in all ways dissolves..... within and fully without.

We walk amongst. We do not separate by frequency, vibes, perceptions, perspectives. We do not hold distrust or versions of my truth your truth my perspective your perspective. We do not personalize . More importantly we are not dictated by the past and understanding of the past. We live now. We release understanding for understanding expands the mind not the heart.

Light is information. Understanding is personalization. And polarization.
The application of losing the mind and gaining the soul.
Many choose understanding.

As we enter into the 3rd galactivations wave pulse early tomorrow morning, the heart will be blasted by both the grand central sun and earth core sun simultaneously. This will bring revealing and exposure of all that is not zero pointed within and without.

Show each and all the self centeredness still held within that dictates versions of truths, beliefs that continue to divide versus unity.

Love has no versions, No definition, No labels. It sees no evil, hears no evil. It has no distrust, needs no guarding. More importantly, love has no perspective. Of personalization.
It has intelligence from within and needs no understanding.

The mind that feeds is the heart that bleeds.
Love fears no thing.

The unifying zero point this 3rd wave pulse brings is a Lighting. Fire incinerates and this is a blast of righteous divine fire. From the 7th through the 10th, 3 days of zero pointing from the core.

Ground, hydrate, and observe the mortal self. If one can not see themself, one is blinded from verily knowing the Self.
Love IS not what mortals define it to be.

Can you be new and release understanding and live without the mind dictating?
May this passage wave pulse bring each and all truly to heart