woensdag 5 januari 2022



“With practice, we can see that our wounded child is not only us. Our wounded child may represent several generations.
Our mother may have suffered throughout her life. Our father may have suffered. Perhaps our parents weren’t able to look after the wounded child in themselves.
So when we’re embracing the wounded child in us, we are embracing all the wounded child in our past generations. This practice is not a practice for ourselves alone, but for numberless generations of ancestors and descendants.”

Reclaiming the inner child is part
of the Healing Process .
Often the inner child holds information
and feelings for the adult.
Some of these feelings are painful; others are actually fun. The child holds the playfulness and innocence the adult has had to bury.

"Above all- never let Age extinguish the Fire
Within your Inner Child-:)
Let Your Inner Child Whisper In Your Ear."
The Inner Child is the Healer within and our Authentic self
that need to be unleashed on the world..

Your Inner Child is the real part of you that is Pure,Sincere Innocent
and Solely connected to your heart. It is the Source of your true Identity.
Awaken this part of yourself again. Be loyal to the real you and protect what is in your heart.

You can’t give up on something that your heart is still rooting for, no matter how hard the fall is.
Your heart is the ultimate master. It knows the things the mind doesn't yet have an answer for. It leads the way out of your darkest moments. It’s your one and only Chief of Staff. You have the power to thrive under any circumstances, as long as you use your heart as the compass.

Remember that inner Child Within and Allow her to Play and Remember How carefree you were as a Child.
Remember to honour the inner Child within, her Joy, her Curiosity, and her Innocence it's all under your skin,
Be Wise, be Successful, be Love and be Light, but remember to hold on to your Inner Child with all your might..

Inside each of us lives a Child, Appreciative of life,
and curious towards change. One who trust fully,
Love fearlessly , and is able to show emotions,
both good and bad. Happiness can be found their,
Choose to let that child live each and every day..
As i love myself , I become younger, it is that
little girl inside who is been healed..
Connect to the child within you..

Take a Moment to tell your Inner Child ,
How important, how Beautiful she or he is
You are a Beautiful Survivor.
Don''t forget to love her, . That little girl
you used to be, take time to do what ever makes your
Inner Child Jump for joy..

Creator and Author.
Mike Harrigan.
I Am.
You Are.
We Are.
Global Consciousness..