donderdag 6 januari 2022

Energy Update ~ Mary Long

There is nothing to convince me of when it comes to the truth on this World.

I see this World differently than most and I stay in the higher frequencies because that is where I am most comfortable.
No one needs to send me information of what is truly going on in our outer World, I mean if most don't know by now then they are still in the mists of their own awakening Journey.
It doesn't matter what is going on outside of us, what truly matters it what we are doing within ourselves. That dear ones is where the truth resides within every one of us, as we continue expanding our consciousness that energy of Love is felt by every living being on this World.

For everything is Energy and we do create it, we have all just choose to experience ourselves in a physical form, doesn't matter if you are an animal, plant or mineral. There is no difference between any of it, because energetically we are all connected as One Infinite Consciousness.

Mother Earth is a beautiful Sentient being that allows us to be creators and once we harness that energy that we forgot we had a whole new world opens up for us all.

There is nothing that is not a part of this energy, above/below/within/without.
When we all grasp the concept of this is when we find our Oneness.

These bodies are just temporary forms, once we leave these bodies we go back to the place in which we came from. Death is nothing more than another process we have chosen to experience.

All is of the Divine and no one is left out, it is all mind over matter.

Because our thoughts turn Matter into Form, what we focus on we create.