zondag 2 januari 2022

Energy Update 31 dec 2021 ~ Judith Kusel

In the next 48 hours, we are going through an immensely powerful transitional state, which will be unlike anything we ever experienced before.

It will seem like you are stepping out of your body, and viewing yourself from afar. What you are viewing is the Old Adam, the Old Eve and leaving this encasement of form behind forever.
Strange things will occur.

It is a mass awakening into a new form and new beginnings in ways I cannot find words for.
It is a splitting of the old for many, while others will shrink from this in fear and will simple choose to remain in the Old Adam and Eve and the Old Earth, even as all disintegrates.

Those who choose the new embodiment, will feel intense Love. A lifting in Love, Divine Omnipotence, such as never experienced before.

A lifting into a much higher state of consciousness which the souls now can access and indeed will lift them into the New Golden Age.

The Age of Love.
Judith Kusel