The sixth gate of ascension was officially opened on June 10th at 11:15 Dutch time, and I am very, very happy about that! This happened at the time of the Eclipse and the downloads continue unabated - clearly palpable. At 3:33 that night I woke up and went outside to admire the starry night. There was a formation of 3 orbs hanging side by side, flickering.
The day before, they (the counterparts of light) were spraying metals and other filth into the air with Chemtrails, and they started up Haarp systems. As usual to shut down the downloads, and stop (or at least to slow down) the ascension of humanity.
But the formation of three spheres (UFO’s) cleaned up this metal mess for us, so people could receive the downloads of the Eclipse.
In our country this is happening every night since a few days. They spray chems during the day, starting up Haarp systems at night – but the sky is squeaky clean. This is to help us with cleaning up the Cabal in the Netherlands, like they did in many countries - but that is a different story - haha
We receive these downloads for the DNA mainly in the nights at the time of our sleep, because it is a very intense process. During our dreams everything is drained and transformed so that during the day we can continue to do our work, be parents to our children and just live the day.
What does the 6th gate of ascension mean? For me, it means that my work no longer needs to be Hidden! And that the original plan - despite having to be adjusted a bit in the interim - has succeeded!
More than 8% of humanity has received the 6th strand - DNA improvement - healing - at the time of the Lightworkers Era (from 2011 to 2020) in their sleep. So in this 8% of humanity, six DNA strands are currently activated.
This 8% is enough to strengthen the vibrations on Earth and push through the ascension – which means that the Lightworkersgroup really are doing a good job! Now the Polarity Workers and Platformers Era has started – building the new civilizations on Earth – in a spiritual evolved human body – connected and descended soul. No more revolution, but evolution! New education, new medics, new architecture, not leaders but facilitators, sustainable, quality, fair.
A new wave of incarnation is coming! The Seeds from the seventh Universe (time travelers) may now incarnate in greater numbers to teach humanity about timelessness and how the powers of the Earth Works. You will notice if you carry one in your womb (they speak already to you) or you will have one running around within your family.
These children are telekinetic (what happens in the house are no ghosts
) telepathic and primal strong in nature, these children are naturally in touch with their bodies and Mother Earth. They won't be fooled by anything and anybody, so don't even bother to try - because they are human lie detectors. More explanation about this incarnation wave and seeds will follow. For now, it is more important to let the following resonate and flow into your heart.

Notice! This 6th DNA strand makes intensive and deep connections with the heartbeat of Mother Earth (Schumann Resonance) - which, during the activation, can cause a great deal of 'trouble' with your own heart energy - for those who have not yet repaired and activated this 6th DNA strand will notice that
Many people come to me in my practice with heart palpitations - and heart floods, nausea, fatigue, restlessness behind the breastbone, extra sensitivity to allergies, feeling an inexplicable deep sorrow. While doctors can’t find anything physical.
A lot is being asked of you at this time and it is not easy when this DNA strand is being repaired. So please take real time for nature, walks and connections. contact with the animal and plant kingdom of Mother Earth, meditate and relax. Let everything flow out that is still hidden deep within you, send it to Mother Earth, she will help you with this important transformation.
Please take care for yourself, speak your truth, be yourself, make choices that serve YOU - not others. Be fearless and say no all what is happening at this moment. Keep your immune system strong and healthy.
The 8% activated, is enough for now to bring Terra (Mother Earth) back higher in the Schumann Resonance (her heartbeat) - and she is vibrating almost as 50.000 years ago – it feels wonderfull!
This Logo is not finished yet
More information will follow - as usual ...
In Lak'ech from Heidy