We are being showered in some powerful Solar Codes right now.
The energies will continue to increase leading up to the Summer Solstice.
Our ancestors saw this as a time to celebrate the Sun God. This is an amazing time to connect with the Sun and the Earth.
The Summer Solstice marks midsummer, and the longest day of the year. We will receive the most light of the year on this day. Following the Summer Solstice the days will begin to get shorter, and shorter leading up to the Winter Solstice.
This is a time where the veil between the spirit world, and our own world is really thin. It will continue to get thinner leading up to the Summer Solstice. That means there is more happening between our world and the spirit world right now. We can expect to be really tuned in right now or to be receiving more spirit messages, information, or downloads. There is another veil that is at its thinnest during the Summer Solstice and that’s the veil between our world and the world of the fairies.
The Summer Solstice is a Gateway to the Fairy World. It’s a time when fairies can enter our world, or we could enter into theirs. This is the perfect time of year to connect with the fairies. The best way to do that is by connecting with the Earth and setting that intention. There are Gateways, Portals, and Doorways that lead into other worlds, within the fairy realms. Many of you are being guided to these spiritual places many of them found along the Ley Lines or near Rock Circles.
June is a time of magic and a time to activate your own inner magic. These energies are powerful for bringing through your manifestations and miracles. It’s a great time to be working on bringing some new energies into your home.
Make sure you get some flowers for your house, or some new plants. This is meant to be a time to celebrate. Our ancestors used to feast with a fire. It’s a great time to leave a treat for the fairies, they love cakes and honey. You may want to put some crystals near your windows, where the Sun can hit them. I like to grid the windowsills