dinsdag 22 juni 2021

Energy Update ~ Denise Beltrame

I know some of you work with these energies, espcially thoe that align with the cat, lion, feline energy, always take what feels right to you xx

The Syrian felines are the Guardians who make sure that only those who are connected to Earth at the moment of the present and conscious of their paths can transit to consciously create another cycle of life that began a year ago since 2020

They are not only Guardians, but also Masters working with Angels and Archangels to guide those who are ready in their journey of Awakening and Creation.

We're watching and feeling the old patterns of community life, the existence of New Community Ideas, and the New Ways of Being that share resources.

As a community, we're also releasing old patterns dominated by the ego and mind, to make way for more ways to interact, infused by the Soul of Ser.

Some are being guided to help with Transformation by infusing the Light of the Soul of the Divine Female and the New Divine Masculine.

Always REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE and that you came to Earth to create and experience as a Soul and a Being of Infinite Energy Light.

Regardless of emotional storms that may arise around you, keep your Peace and stay firmly Anchored to the earth.

This will also be a time when they must TAKE CARE OF THEIR BODIES, because now IT IS THE SACRED TEMPLE OF THEIR SOULS.

The body will take time this year to adapt to the highest frequencies of consciousness coming this coming year 2022, (2) (2)(2) the frequency of a Master Number that will empower the Divine Female, number with great strength and power that will infuse us with the perceptions and feelings of the soul.

So this year still the body can feel exhausted as it has to execute these intense frequencies to deal with intense experiences, which are much more powerful than anything that can create the old ego mind.

Relax and allow the SOUL and I SUPERIOR to be their Support.
When their bodies accept and acclimate to these intense and powerful soul energy flows, they will create their Experiences to Miracles, which will take them to the New Levels of Love and Joy.

Stay Awake and Conscious, so you will keep your power.

You are the change in a human form and this is what you came to experience. Angelic Kingdoms are here to support you, Galactic teachers are here to support. Live the NOW instantly!

Denise Beltrame

Artist unknown to me, but as always let me know x