maandag 8 mei 2023

These energies are the strongest I have ever endured ~ Mary Long

These energies are the strongest I have ever endured.
While everyone else is dabbling in worry and confusion many of us are experiencing energetic upgrades to our bodies.
Not only is it expanding our consciousness, it is healing and recalibrating our bodies. There is no room to be focused on anything else.
I am here to Ascend beyond these old constructs of humanity and move up to a higher dimensional way of being.
No matter what continues to be thrown into our consciousness by outside forces that are continuously trying to stop our progress, we still remain in the higher dimensional Earth.
Once you enter this Portal, things begin to change. We see through what others seem to see as ugly and bring beauty to it. There is never a dull moment during these vibrant times we are in.
Anything that doesn't make since, don't even try too because it isn't suppose too. It is a way of rebooting our consciousness to a more sustainable way of being without the need of anyone telling us what to do.
It is about seeking that in which we want to bring into our experiences, beyond what is in front of us or what is being presented to us.
All our Spiritual Journey is about is finding our own self, we take in what resonates within and disregard anything that doesn't. Some will take this the wrong way because they feel if they are detaching from something that they feel humanity needs to know, they are failing, when truly we don't need to know anything to embrace Spirit.
To much goes into our Spirituality, like what to eat, what to wear, what is good for us what isn't. I feel we all know what is good for ourselves, we don't need to feel as if we are not doing it right because there is no wrong or right way.
Only our perception of the old 3rd dimensional thinking makes us think so, but the higher we go the less attached we become because as we set things right within ourselves it ripples like a wave out into the collective.
Trust your own process Loves, if all you feel is Love, Unconditional Love all that matters is that we keep cultivating it. Once you stay in this state all we see is blessings and it doesn't matter what others think, or how they think it should be done.
It is our own Free Will to continue Mastering ourselves, it is ok to take in a bit of guidance on our journey's just don't take everything as gospel.
We are all multidimensional faucets of Energy experiencing ourselves at many different fractal levels.
Work on you, keep healing and most of all keep cultivating that beautiful Love in your Hearts.
BEcause in the End, all that Matters is Love.