Schumann is showing it's colors today as we move into some bigger solar energies.
We have Flux Energies growing and Solar Wind enhancements that will push those Flux Energies right in us.
Galactic energies and Source Creation energies today as well.
But the real question I want to ask you today is WHO ARE YOU IN THESE ENERGIES?
You're walking your path, holding your light.
No longer running from your emotions, you are facing them head on.
Going in, and really looking at them, and releasing them from your system.
You hold more knowings, more understandings within you than ever before.
But who are YOU?
What are you feeling now that you understand all of this on a higher level?
Let me ask you this, if this was one of your last days on this Earth. Would the day in front of you look as different as you feel in these energies?
Would you get up earlier or rest all day?
Would you be trying new things or enjoying what you already love to do?
Like Ascension, this life is all yours.
Experiencing it in its full glory is yours to do.
While enjoying and finding happiness in every moment.
Everything is going to change soon, in a blink of an eye.
Be mindful of that while looking for joy in everything you find yourself doing today.
Happiness is a frequency you choose to reside in.
You can find joy in the smallest of things.
You are unconditional love within the body.
You are truly a powerful being of light, never forget the truth of YOU..
Much love and light,
-SA Smith