zaterdag 6 mei 2023

Losing Limitations by Jenny Schiltz | May 5, 2023

Losing Limitations

The new energy is here; it is completely available. As we assimilate this energy, it can feel like so much is falling away. It is the space in between; one way of being is going, and another is coming in. Timelines are also merging at an increased rate. This can create confusion and misunderstandings. At times it can feel like we are losing our minds. New (to us) Leylines on the earth are available, as are new stargates. Without a doubt, the NEW is here.

We also are being introduced to and given the choice to embody straight Source energy. If we choose, the illusionary walls of separation can dissolve. This catapults our experience and growth exponentially, as all that remains separate within must be RE-MEMBERED

These words came to me during meditation:

I am becoming MORE
Not more than another
But more of ME

As we headed into the 5/5 portal and eclipse this past week, I noticed a powerful dragon energy. It is not only available to experience but also to embody. This dragon energy assists with the upgrade of DNA. They are fierce protectors of the Christ-aligned (Crystalline) energies and those that hold and anchor the Divine Energies.

I have noticed that this energy is one of quiet strength, presence, and ownership of it all. It is a claiming. It helps us to CLAIM and EXPAND into it ALL fully.

There is something tremendously powerful about claiming something. We easily claim our stories, traumas, pains, and sorrows. We claim it, and it becomes attached and embedded into our programming. We can do the same for our loves, joys, purpose, and passions.

This energy is saying no more victimhood or stories that no longer serve. It says no more to playing with old memories, beliefs, and limitations. It asks us to step out of our invisible prisons and live in the new. Now is the time to claim your space, your body, your power. Create and claim your new stories.

There will be no playing small should you choose to embody this energy. It’s as if this energy stares into our deepest core and says, “I see you, I see your truth, I honor your experience; now are you done playing a role that has never really fit anyway?”

Through the claiming of ourselves, our actions, reactions, and our creation, we open new doors, new energy, and new realms. The more we take full responsibility and claim ownership of our creation, the more we will be able to access within ourselves and “out there.”

It is an exciting time, but it can be exhausting and overwhelming.

Recently I was working with my team, discussing the energies and the difficulties that the physical body is experiencing. I asked the Arcturian assisting me if the human body would make it through this shift. He responded:

“The human form was not designed to be limited. Too much power has been given to the food, the medicines, and the experts. This creates beliefs that limit and shift the body into constricting spaces.

The body is a tool; it is your vehicle and interface for your physical experience. The most important and impactful thing it is fed with is your beliefs – not your thoughts, but the underlying beliefs.

The human form is designed to change, morph, and upgrade easily. It is not the body that must change but the belief systems.

The true merging is when body/mind/spirit all believe “I am limitless.”

I thought the information he shared about the body was incredibly valuable.

I had been shown before that the body itself is one of incredible health, resilience, and elasticity. Then we add on the programming of past lives (wounds, vows, oaths, & traumas), lessons we want to learn in this life (often through very physical experiences), ancestral DNA, and the illusion of separation. All of these stories become layered in the body and become belief systems.

Our job is to un-layer all the programming put into the body. Those of you that are family line breakers have been doing this. You are making that programming obsolete by not following in the path of abuse, addiction, lack, unworthiness, etc.

The most important programming to unravel is the illusion of separation. Separation from Source, separation from self, and separation from the body’s incredible abilities. It is the RE-MEMBERING of who you are.

I hope this message finds you navigating these energies beautifully. Sending you lots of love.
