dinsdag 13 juli 2021

The world needs you... Unity of Light

The world needs you...

The world is now in need of more and more leaders who stand in their true sovereignty. We are seeing so many more examples of people in the world falling victim to toxic self-empowerment.

Self-empowerment through attack, self-destruction and hatred for others. Now while I understand this in its entirety, to me, it is now time to rise above all of that.

We have seen brothers and sisters tearing each other apart because they were plugged into a system that had them believing lies about how things should be. There is no rule book to this life there is simply a choice to be of service to yourself alone or to be of service to others.

We see music videos where people are glamourising money, toxic sexual empowerment and separation.

The last paragraph might be quite controversial but I stand true to what I say because the amount of women who are disempowered sexually by believing they HAVE to do something or follow what they think people want is too much. It is enough now. There is an idea of sovereignty in the world and we can walk this Earth by honouring each other on the most conscious level.

It is time for men and women of a high level of consciousness to rise up and be who they were destined to be. To become something more than just men and women. To become leaders of an idea that will reshape the world.

An idea of love.