woensdag 28 juli 2021

LIGHT LEADERS ~ The Arcturians & Karen Lithika

Advanced Souls

We send through this message to confirm the great signifance of your role. To realise the Light Knowledge you hold within.

To see yourself expanding the Light of others, as you collectively educate and awaken the global light family. Connecting to the many who hold the Ancient Light frequency.

The Ancient story of Now...leading to the now moment in this timeline. For within every soul, this High Vibrational Light Alliance is available. As the New Light Age enables a higher vibrational light resonace to interconnect every being.

For the unfoldement of your true Light Mission requires dedication, following the Higher Light Path.

Acknowledging your role as a care giver to Humanity. Assisting from a space of Higher Vibrational Light. Anchoring your light mission with Mother Gaia as you align to the greater good of every being.

Your Higher Light Mission is found within the true source of you. Within every pure thought, tear of joy, positive affirmation. You need to simply tap into this pure frequency and align to this High Vibrational light.

As our world trajectory is Higher Light Frequency - you are simply becoming more integrated to the future reality of your world.

As Love and Unity Light codes shower your reality.

Sending waves of Cosmic Love
The Arcturians & Karen Lithika
Love = Unity