donderdag 15 juli 2021



We may not know where we come from or where we are going,
It already seems like a long way to go and even more that we have to go.
Building yourself is not easy at all.

Sometimes the path looks like a walk through an orchard
and others we only manage to take a step after a titanic effort
and without knowing if such a sacrifice has been worth it.

But when we take the step,
This opens the doors for us to see the next one to give,
then hope becomes real and tangible
and we can say yes,
all effort has not been in vain.

Life is a gift, plus a gift that is earned.

When we resist growing
we want to keep retaining that which gives us meaning to life
and everything that goes well with us.

And we wish to take a great leap forward,
or worse,
when the wind is not in our favor,
but the past ... no longer comes back.

We only have one way: to grow.
We feel pushed by events
or that's what we believe,
when in reality we are the ones who create them,
sometimes because of our neglect and sometimes because of our drive.

Different possibilities are always open to us
and the last word is ours,
also our responsibility.
Nobody decides for you if you don't want to.

Angel Hache