This morning I had a profound experience when the Divine Feminine appeared to me. She was showing me how the mass awakening of souls is happening and will sweep the earth, as the Power of Love sweeps the Earth.
This is coming directly from the Divine Feminine Heart Center, for within herself she holds all of Creation, for she is the one who birthed all Creation. She holds the Spiral and Spiraling Energy and thus brings forth the full awakening of Hearts and Souls.
The Activation is happening not only through the heart center where the soul attaches too, but through the Soul Star as well, when it is fully activated. As the Soul Star merges with the Heart Rose immensely powerful resources are activated within the soul, and thus the deepest remembrance returns, as the soul now regains access to its infinite knowledge it has gained through all its existences in other Universes, galaxies, star systems, parallel lives etc.
The Divine Feminine is now pouring in the keys and codes which activates the heart and soul star centers, the heart rose, and this is pouring in through the vibration and frequency of cosmic sound, and sacred tones.
Most of these tones are still not audible to the human ear yet can be felt.
Words again fail me here, for what I have experienced and what I have been shown, goes beyond human language or words.
Allow your heart center to open with the Soul Star in the highest degrees.
We are being lifted ever higher into the New Earth and this is accelerating now.
The Power of Love is indeed sweeping all clear which no longer serves us – all which needs to be finally forgiven, all shame, blame and guilt, and indeed, all which is there, still blocking and hindering the fullness of the Power of Love to burst forth in its full glory within us.
Judith Kusel