Blessings on this 3/3 my family.
In this space we are connecting to our formless Essence - which is free from identification.
Pure consciousness.
This Code is preparing us for deep reassimilation. Within this Code the Oraganic Law of One is remembered. Four Kathara Grids are making their way into awareness to join together - inside of a much larger Kathara Grid.
The Eieyani Dragon Body is connected to our Primal Creation Bodies and are integrating the Orginal architectures of our Divine Essence.
- I am moving through such density at the moment. Clearing the way for detachment and rising into my truth. Together we do this. What is organic is here present through this digital frontier of Artificial Intelligence - what is being processed is our discernment of Embodiment and how consciousness interacts with awareness.
I am frustrated - and holding a lot of energy inside of my womb that is releasing in this code.
What is formless is here - what is sacred is here.
I’m so ready to fully BE FREEDOM - as I sit in this room holding onto everything that I am not.
How do we let go of what has saved our life?
It’s no easy task.
This Code is bringing this into perspective as we witness ourselves.
Such deep wisdom here in each line - each pattern and frequency - at the center of every nucleus is this love.
I am letting go because you are letting go with me. As you hold on I hold on with you. We can only do this together.
May this Code open a space for you to receive what is within yourself - and may dissolve the illusion of what is outside of us - as what is within is what truly exists.
Trust the process.
We are one.
Blessings on this 3/3.
Inward and forward we go.
With Love #VibrationalMedicine