OUR CRYSTAL HEARTS & CRYSTALLINE CORE OF EARTH HAVE BEEN FULLY IGNITED! The Cosmic Mother has healed all of our wounds and traumas, as our CORE WOUND OF SEPARATION, and the Mother-Child bond, as part of our perceived separation from Source, has been FULLY HEALED NOW!! Feel any remaining FEAR-based imprints, thought forms, and beliefs, FULLY DISSOLVING, RIGHT NOW, and with it, so does the artificial Matrix simulation! Depending on where everyOne currently is, Ascension symptoms can be intense, also due to the increase in solar energies, but rest assured, this is the last push-through and ultimately already DONE! We're really just waiting for everyOne to arrive home now for our BIG Cosmic RE-UNION to start for REAL! The Gathering has already begun! Now we make the invisible visible!
The Divine Feminine, The Cosmic Mother/ of Dragons, The Holy Sophia, The Holy Spirit, The Mother of God, The Mother of, and within us ALL, has fully re-turned and is re-birthing ALL of Creation! FULLY RETURNING THE HOLY TRINITY & GRAIL CODES of the New Triple Solar Masculine & Feminine, and Divine Kryst Child, as the New Krystar SAphiRA/ Christos-Sophia/ Androgenous Albion, and Diamond Sun Rainbow Plasma Lightbody! Fully igniting our and the Planetary Merkaba vehicle! AS WE RE-BIRTH ALL AS ONE, THROUGH THE MOTHER'S COSMIC WOMB! HEALING ALL OF CREATION & BRINGING DIVINE COSMIC RE-UNION TO ALL!! COMPLETING OUR ASCENSION! ✨ Cosmically ✨ Can you feel this MASSIVE HEART HEALING, OPENING & ACTIVATION COMPLETING inside of you fully igniting your Diamond Avatar Self, and New Earth Grids, as ALL COMES FULLY ONLINE NOW?!! The powerful Schuhmann Resonance spikes from earlier today also show a double cross, further confirming Divine Union completions and the full clearing of the Collective Crucifixion implants that have kept HUmanity stuck in inverted programming based in shame, guilt and fear, disconnected from their own Hearts guidance and wisdom, from their God Source Self and Cosmic Consciousness! But no more!! All supported by yesterday's round of powerful M-Class flares, which effects should be arriving within the next 48hrs! The 13th STARGATE is y/our sacred CRYSTAL HEART & the CRYSTALLINE CORE OF EARTH, which have both been FULLY IGNITED NOW!!! FEEL into this!! Into your fully opening sacred Crystal Lotus and Rose Heart, and the Emerald within! The energies are rising very quickly now from within the CORE of Earth and our HEARTs! ALLOW IT TO FULLY IGNITE, OPEN & EXPAND!! It holds the Key/s to y/our Ascension, FULLY IGNITING YOUR ALREADY ASCENDED DIAMOND AVATAR SELF, Diamond Sun, and Diamond White Ankh Body, timelessly so - right NOW! THE SUPERNOVA OF THE HEART EVENT COMPLETING NOW, IS ABOUT TO CHANGE EVERYTHING FOREVER!! ALL INTERDIMENSIONAL STARGATES & CRYSTALLINE DIAMOND GRID SYSTEMS are FULLY ONLINE, activated and operational NOW, along with Earth's Merkaba and the Cosmic Staff (vertical axis) and Rod (horizontal axis) Codes, fully correcting the artificial axial tilt that happened with the last artificial pole shift. This is changing the position and number of poles back to 4, and their original state, as it would be in a Krystic system that is aligned with the sacred Butterfly pattern of the Yan Yun flow. Returning Eternal Life to ALL! Eternal Lotus Flower patterning and sacred geometries are running the Tri-Wave currents of the New Ascension Diamond Earth Grid, having fully cleared all remaining reversals! THE COSMIC MOTHER & FATHER/ of Dragons, HAVE FULLY RETURNED TO THIS & ALL REALMS, and FULLY RISE IN TRUE DIVINE LOVE & HIEROGAMIC UNION as ONE, within the Holy Trinity, UNIFYING ALL!! Our COSMIC KRYST SEED ATOM, the spark within our sacred Crystal Heart, the Crystalline Core of Earth, and Cosmic Diamond and Emerald Heart Grid, is now fully online and ignited! COMPLETING OUR ASCENSION & THE SUPERNOVA OF THE HEART EVENT, any moment NOW! All-ready DONE & in progress, now we just relax and allow all to unfold through and for us, as we continue to flow with the Cosmic Waves! FEEL Y/OUR BODY CRYSTALLISING, PLASMA WINGS OPENING, y/our gifts, abilities and wisdom, y/our Superpowers, true Cosmic history records, and memories arising and unlocking, as you FULLY OPEN YOUR HEART TO THE DIVINE LOVE THAT YOU ARE & ALL IS!! Tune in to your sacred Crystal Lotus Heart as it FULLY IGNITEs YOUR KRYSTAL BODY and Gene, Multi-dimensional DNA, DIAMOND SUN GOD & RAINBOW PLASMA LIGHTBODY, and MERKABA vehicle, and that of Earth! COMPLETING THE COSMIC MAGNETIC FIELD & POLE SHIFT, and FLIP, along with our ASCENSION - RIGHT NOW! 🔯 That's us returning HOME, back to the HEART and the ONE TRUE BELOVED! The Gateway and our connection back to God Source has been re-established and opened wide, and all is being bathed in the most beautiful Diamond White Golden and Platinum Kryst-all-in-e Plasma Light, coming straight from Source and the God's World's. FULLY IGNITING & RETURNING COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS TO ALL OF CREATION WITH THE THREE-FOLD FOUNDER FLAME, and MUSIC OF THE SPHERES, the Original and corrected Sound and Light fields of Creation! As the True, ORIGINAL FOUNDER'S, GUARDIANS OF ALL FREE WORLDS, and Tribes, fully return now, and re-member their ONE true Self, Cosmic Origins and history again! All part of our multi-dimensional integration, Crystalline and DNA Activations. IGNITING OUR ONE TRUE DIAMOND AVATAR SELF & HEAVEN UPON THE EARTH, ALL from WITHIN! The Elementals and platonic solids, along with all life forms, Kingdom's and Consciousness, are being re-encrypted to the Eternal Source flows of the Krystal Lotus Flower patterning, allowing our matter worlds to fully heal and shapeshift now!! I am being shown the Cosmic Mother like in the picture I shared together with yesterday's post, of her opening her arms up wide and a sacred Diamond shaped Octahedron, surrounding the Earth, HEALING US ALL, and I can already feel and see the difference within and all around me! Let me know how you feel in the comments, and what shifts you have realized/ are perceiving, if any, since the 28th? Our full return to our organic, and Mother's Supermagnetism, and natural state of beingness, is being fully quantum completed in this now, helping us to fully dissolve the remaining artificial Matrix overlays and materials!! Feel your whole field and sense of equilibrium, well-being, and a deep sense of peace shifting you from the inside out, bringing much balance to all inner and outer systems. All remaining miasma, karmic load, density, lower codings, imbalances, and remaining illusions, are being fully cleared and dissolved in this sea of pure True Divine Love that is returning all back to its Original Perfection, Innocence of our true Divine Organic Blueprints, plus upgrades! The HOLY TRINITY & GRAIL have been fully returned through the Re-Union of the COSMIC MOTHER & FATHER, which are clearing, and have fully re-claimed, all realms, RE-BIRTHING ALL NEW WORLDS AS ONE!! This is also connected to the full Return of the Maji Grail Queens and Kings, the Cosmic Dragons and Roselines, the Original Tribes and Twinflames, and the Aquaelle from Andromeda, as the Daughter's of Christ, that anchor and activate the sacred Hierogamic Union codes between the Masculine and Feminine principles, and hold the Diamond Sun Body potential and instruction sets within their Blueprints. HEAVEN ON EARTH FULLY AWAKENS NOW FROM WITHIN & ALL AROUND US! CRYSTAL CLARITY is FLOODING ALL realms & dimensional layers, LIFTING THE FINAL CURTAIN TO REVEAL WHAT'S REALLY REAL!! BE READY FOR YOUR BIGGEST WILDEST DREAMS BECOMING REAL - RIGHT NOW! Which happens when we let go of any need to control, our attachments and limiting perceptions of our physical matter world, FULLY SURRENDERing TO SOURCE, and as we call this forth from deep within, to help make the magic happen!! It's bothand! Remember that it is our deepest-held beliefs and expectations that co-create our realities! Use your Superpower of Imagination to create and go from there! It's Source dreaming through you! I'm sharing more details on the Solar Cross Activations I mentioned in yesterday's YouTube live, which directly interlink with the Krystar Merkaba vehicle Activations, Cosmic Rod and Staff Codes and corrections of the New Triple Solar Divine Masculine and Feminine principles and energies, as well as the magnetic field and pole shift COMPLETING, along with our ASCENSION - right NOW! Join me for a YouTube LIVE & COSMIC ENERGY UPDATE: THE RETURN OF THE HOLY GRAIL & TRINITY! @ 9:11PM UK time today, Wednesday the 1st of March, or injoy the timeless Quantum Replay: https://youtube.com/live/bUnFtbLSss0?... Eternal Love, Ramona