"As we have already stepped into the New Earth, all of these soul memory banks, are but the miscreations of the Old Earth. It is time to finally let go. This is entirely up to you.
It is a soul choice you need make. We will not go into the past life history in detail, for this soul who is transmitting is now called to give you a glimpse of the FUTURE you, the one who truly CHOSE to ascend and leave the old behind forever, and thus heal herself, through loving grace and gain soul mastery!
For indeed, nothing is impossible. All the tools are there within your own soul.
In your true soul form, you are a highly Evolved Master Soul and one who serves by being the Loving Grace, and the Loving higher teacher/guide to other souls. You serve indeed in the capacity of higher guide to other souls, and you always gently bring them back to the truth within them: That they are true Sons and Daughters of the Divine Father/Divine Mother and that they were created to co-create lovingly, and within the Divine Laws, that which serves the highest and greatest good of all of creation, thus all souls.
When the soul is filled with loving grace and with unconditional love, all judgement of self and others ceases, all criticism- all denial, all separation, for one can see and feel only ONE: One heart, one soul, one Being. Therefore, only the Power of Love remains:- unconditional love. The Love which sees only perfection.
The love which does not even think or try of changing anything about another soul, but loves them just the way they are – as much as the soul loves itself just the way it is. Therefore – there is nothing to fix, nothing to change, only to love into the fullness of its Divine creation, for Divinity lives, exists and breathes through every single soul. No matter what cosmic roles they choose to act out in whatever existence!"
Copyright Applies: excerpt from a Soul Reading done by me.
Judith Kusel