Energy update :
Deep solar plexus and sacral chakra clearings
Old and deep pains are being triggered, so that you can let go of them.
Once you go deeper into the ascencion process, everytime you go through a deeper layer, it feels like its getting worse and more intense everytime..
Because we've teached ourselves to have a cooping mechanism to deal with the pains, but once you are on the healing and ascencion journey, you will come to deeper layers, to layers of purity where also are your deepest pains, you couldn't handle this, for example, in the beginning of your ascencion proces, but sweetheart, you can handle it now, thats why you are feeling it now.
Although it might seem that you can't handle it.. you can, just breathe through it, feel it, observe it, don't push it away or get into fear of not being able to handle it, just breath, and trust that it will go away, it needed to come out, because it is deep.. it is the root cause for all the (big or little) addictions that you have, so let it go through you.. many insights will come to you but you first go through a storm of doubts and thoughts, people will go out of your life that are not for your highest good, let them go in love♡.
This clearing has to do with deep inner child-wounds, being rejected, having a emotional or physical absent parent. I know it's hard, i know....
Remember, that you are not alone in this, we are cleansing at a way more deeper and collective level. It has anything to do with the re-union in ourselves with the divine masculine and divine feminine, the christ&sophia, they starting to reunite within you. But they only can do that once the painfull and false layers are healed and cleared.
Symptoms : extremely tired, depressed feelings through your whole body, itchy feeling, naussea, headache on the right side especially, solar plexus "pains", the feeling of needing to scream or kick for the itchy feeling in your body, dizzy, waves of deep emotions, needing to poop a lot, in some cases throwing up, having a lot of thoughts, feeling a lot tension, can not breath properly, tension neck shoulders
Hang in there sweet souls, rest, drink a lot of water, and let your emotions out, you will feel for yourself when you are ready to think way more clear again and when you feel more in your strength.
Remember, that this will pass again.. but accept the process you are in now.
Love Tamara Dam