dinsdag 7 september 2021

Amanda Lorence ~ part 2 Wayshowers Post

PART 2 of 2nd September WAYSHOWERS POST (due to Utube word count limitations). Read Part 1 first…

FUTURE TIMELINE BASED ON RECENT DATA AND PAST DATA GIVEN TO ME: After a SURGE of energy, there will be a period of time to be experienced by all of remaining humanity. It is a time period of reflection ONLY, so not everlasting. In that timeline there will be three types of MAIN HUMAN EXPERIENCES. And millions of individualised VARIENTS inbetween. TYPE 1 CONSCIOUSNESS as HUMAN: Aware of what’s happening. Receiving balanced INNER guidance, in the NOW moment, day by day of what to do. They will follow it. These are Wayshowers in the sense that they are balanced, of high frequency, are being given the data of the “Bigger Picture”, and can help others in multiple ways. These people have recently been ‘tested’ (by themselves) to learn to make the highest choices in service to all, to not play to any consciousness outside of them that is feeling “less than” or is unconsciously ‘feeding’ off their energy. They are currently, after a period of time of ‘Energeric Drain’ experience, NOW increasing their own energetic FIELD, in Service to All, for the timeline to come. They are preparing in a sense, increasing their endurance and ability to focus and maintain their energy HERTZ and stay IN their own energetic field. These beings SERVE THE WHOLE AS ONE. They will receive a heightened hertz consciousness to that of NOW.

TYPE 2 CONSCIOUSNESS as HUMAN: Will at the time of the surge, experience confusion, and will ask for physical, mental or emotional assistance. They will possibly experience panic or anxiety. Fearful. These people will IN GOOD TIME be helped by TYPE 1, but only if it doesn’t interfere with the INNER GUIDANCE, Type 1 will receive, to focus on immediately after the ‘SURGE’. 
TYPE 2 beings in truth are still focusing on their human personality first, not yet in service to ALL. The surge will shift their consciousness too, but they will be confused at first. 
They will come out of Personality suffering, after the TIME PERIOD is over. They will not understand why a TYPE 1 being can’t help them in the moment of need, not able to see the Greater Picure or Guidance the TYPE 1 beings will receive (who are scattered all over the world). 

 TYPE 3 CONSCIOUSNESS as HUMAN: Will not know they are experiencing a heightened distorted energetic to their consciousness, of what we could loosely label as Malevolent, Menacing. There is nothing anyone can say or do to help this TYPE 3 of human experience for their Soul, except to STAY CLEAR of it, not go near, not try to interfere or explain anything, but to simply TRUST the TIME PERIOD is temporary.

 It won’t last. Whilst I’ve outlined three main HUMAN categories chosen at SOUL LEVEL to be present at a future timeline upon Mother Earth, there are millions of individualised varients as we are ALL intentionally unique, with unique paths of experience for each Soul. I wish to EMPHASISE, the future TIME PERIOD I am sharing in some detail is TEMPORARY, as things must occur in STAGES, as per the DIVINE design prophesied in many religions and walks of life. It is (in the greater design perspective) a necessary period, for humanity to REFLECT upon, whilst in it. So have faith the best is YET to come. I have NO current knowing of dates. But I am knowing I’m being shown in recent weeks points 1 - 3, for good reason based on my path of Service to All. NOW UNTIL SEPTEMBER EQUINOX: 

We have ALL been through, at times, a difficult few weeks. Individually, our Higher Consciousness has presented our unique scenarios, in order to choose HIGHEST CHOICES. We have been learning to not instantly react from the personality MIND, to the outer dramas of either the Mass Worldwide Events, or the individual timelines of people close to us within our own Creational Field. 

Having travelled through this challenging time, we are NOW in an expanding period heading towards Autumn Equinox. Each year I speak of the ‘HARVEST’ the month of SEPTEMBER brings...we effectively can (or don’t) MOVE ON A STAGE of our energetic PATH, based upon what we have sown/chosen during the last year. September is therefore a HUGE month of potential SHIFT, unique to everyone, based on our own thoughts, actions, our Heart, and the choices people have made for themselves. 

If I had one area of advice for now until 22 September, it would be to speak and act from the innate balance of TIMELESS WISDOM. Not RE-ACT to the outer dramas and limitations the world stage may present. To not PLAY (react) to the DREAM/ILLUSION, but to see it as just a play/film for you to learn to MASTER from CONSCIOUSNESS LEVEL...by being in the balance and love from outside of it. Make each choice...from THE HEART, not the mind, and certainly not from ‘fear’. If fear arises, it’s just an indicator there is something to look at within, the cause of that ‘fear’. 

That cause will be but a belief system to be smashed, and thus empower you more, and balance you more. Unburden you, to become lighter. SUMMARY: A long readI know, please forgive the typos, but it is intentionally written, not spoken on a LIVE, so that it may be translated into other languages, in order to benefit as many as possible. Please only take what resonates, and discard the rest. Please may I ask, if shared, to not take parts of this post out or highlight parts. 

There is enough fear in the world, and this post is a while coming....and as a whole post, shows the way of faith, love and compassion, in the hope it may empower you to LOVE EVERYONE as THYSELF. 

Love holds no fear, it is only LOVE FREQUENCY at various Octaves. 

 One Love 
Amanda Lorence 
2 September 2021