dinsdag 7 september 2021

Amanda Lorence ~ part 1 General Update


GENERAL UPDATE: Since January 2021 my own personalised path has been focused on SOUL EMBODIMENT. This is a path stage, in this Collective Ascension, where mind, heart and body are ready to consciously, in state begin a journey to physically and energetically MERGE AS the SOUL with a VESSEL ADD-ON. I see my soul each day, at will; I see and work with the individualised LIGHT PATTERNS SOUL creates, as it’s own Soul signature, and I’ve been constantly merging this whole year to become it in the physical.

But not there yet...It’s not a quick process, it takes ‘human’ will, silence and presence over a time period. It’s conscious energetics at play as One. And why I’ve written and spoken less this year, knowing the highest thing I can do in service to ALL, IS to become Soul embodied with the Soul frequency, yet with the human body here. The SOUL does not speak or listen to ‘human’ speaking; SOUL is White Light constantly vibrating, passed on consciously to the matching receprecal brain when there is MIND, HEART PLUS BODY coherence.

Parts of the brain gradually get switched on, to TRANSLATE the higher HERTZ WAVELENGTHS of the SOUL, into decipherable coherent linear mind understanding. The two (human & Soul) work as One, eventually in a coherent harmony. Soul embodiment stage means the need for more quiet, to be Soul, in order to allow Soul Wavelengths to the brain to translate, in ‘Brain quiet’ mode. For this reason, I’ve been quieter this year. Whilst this has been my own stage, I’ve not written or spoken too much about it out loud. Because my aim has always been to STEP by STEP support many people higher and higher in their own consciousness, through their stages. To HELP (hopefully) increase the frequency of human beings on their journey, that can sometimes feel very isolating and very confusing once awakened. Especially since worldwide events of 2020... UPDATE: In the last six weeks, I’ve received a couple of “Learning Dreams” about COLLECTIVE WORLDWIDE EVENTS.

1] A major SERGE of energy to come, for all. (See below). Different to a VISION in 2014 of a solar incoming ONE OFF energetic.

2] How unawakened are being prepared to ‘awaken’.

3] I was given words depicted in the Bible, that I’ve personally never used or related to. Relating to a major timeline event and prophesy. I do not follow any one religion, but appreciate there IS the deeper LOVE shown within many teachings, that could UNITE all man-made religions.

I’ve relayed in previous WAYSHOWER posts, Points 1 and 2. But I’ve been knowing to not put out too much DETAIL, that may easily create misperception and even unnecessary fearmongering. (If a ‘Guardian’ here, there is an energetic Seal in one’s throat, that safeguards (as a Guardian) the prophecies of events. The throat SEAL, effectively stops us from speaking certain revealed knowledge given for awareness. Additionally, before the start of Soul embodiment stage, we begin to leave the polarity field and enter the ‘Sea of Violet LIQUID MAGNETIC LIGHT’ that I’ve already shared with you on a video last year. It is in this ‘violet sea’, that we learn and embody the wisdom of: There is a time to speak, at aligned timing, and there is a time to be silent, and say nothing, allowing many things witnessed to simply FLOW THROUGH. For this reason, there are many human subjects, I don’t speak about or give energy focus to. Knowing it’s not MY OWN PATH to, KNOWING my PATH and what it DOES involve. Honouring that Path and it’s Service, which is the only reason I came here. SHARING YET ALSO SAFE GUARDING PARTS: A) I am STILL unsure, if Point 1 (Surge) is the same as the waking VISION I had in 2014 of a major incoming SOLAR energy. It could be the same, presented differently. Yet it could be TWO separate ENEGRY events. Meaning one initial event (surge), followed by a TIME PERIOD OF EXPERIENCE AND REFLECTION FOR ALL, followed by the Main Event Wave. Three stages in other words. Two separate ENERGETIC events would explain many other visions, learning dreams and other data downloads. But I am STILL very unsure. It is more accurate NOW, to look at the genuine and innate nature available within HUMAN HEARTS right NOW, and NOT focus on if a person is awakened or unawakened. Or if a person knows certain things or doesn’t. As I’ve said for many years, their are many unawakened that chose at SOUL LEVEL, to wait until the final hour, to awaken. When I speak of BEING OF THE HEART, there are many unawakened, in 3D conscious experience, that are of the HEART in their daily kindnesses, their care, their words, and their lifelong acts. Equally, in conscious waking state, there are awakened living in FEAR, some still serving self first, which is experienced as the separation of the One. In 2018, I was ‘called within’ to go to Israel...I went not knowing how I’d pay for the trip. Just went in trust. Much energy work was done there. At a particular location, Sananda spoke these words, after explaining the elaborate distortions of meaning to the locations he had been to in Israel. He said:

“I have shown many the way, yet they do not still see, that THE WAY, is THROUGH THEIR OWN HEART”.

Please let that be absorbed as it relates entirely to each individual Soul WORLDWIDE, that I point to in the next paragraph. See beyond a HUMAN...see their SOUL through YOUR LOVE.

Continues on Part 2…