Dear Beautiful Souls!
Each year on the Winter Solstice a portal opens and the Diamond Merkaba Grid Activates! This activates the diamond grid within each, connected with cosmic influences that line up on this particular day. This portal initiates the above & the below connection; Cosmic Divine to the connection with Earth, The merging of the Divine feminine/masculine aspects, twin flame soul unions and karmic healing. This energy portal allows you to stand in the quantum field of your diamond merkaba attatchted to that of Mother Earth’s Diamond Grid. This activates the higher aspects of self, the third eye to the heart chakra creating a triangle connection of mind (higher self), body, (physical and etheric), soul (Divine Christed spark within). Your diamond merkaba connected to your DNA upgrades and trigger codes recalibrate within and anchor you to the grid. This is where the magic of manifestation happens!
The Winter Solstice is a day to worship the sun’s energies and its cosmic influences in our recoding and recalibrating of the DNA Upgrades and Downloads connected to the belt of photon light energies. And right on time, the sun lines up with a powerful coronal hole facing Earth at this precise time. Coincidence? No. More so a cosmic synchronicity!
The Solar Influences In Play~
A BIG CORONAL HOLE TURNS TOWARD EARTH: For the third month in a row, a large hole in the sun’s atmosphere is turning toward Earth. This is the same coronal hole that lashed Earth’s magnetosphere with solar wind on Oct. 25-28, and again on Nov. 23-26. It is spinning around with the sun, strobing Earth lighthouse-style every ~27 days. The last two times we experienced its solar wind, intermittant G1-class geomagnetic storms and bright auroras were observed in the Arctic. A repeat performance is likely when the solar wind returns on Dec. 20-22. By-(
Planetary Aspects In Play~
Mercury also stations Retrograde on December 19th for 3 weeks going into January 2017. Use this time to your advantage in checking and rechecking legal documents to make sure all is in line. Make sure any contracts are correct and in order. For this 3 weeks, partnerships and collaborations should be put on hold, as Mercury’s influence affects communication, creating misunderstandings and confusion in a lack of understanding each other’s visions. Technical devices tend to malfunction during this period, so now is a good time to check all of your equipment, down to your vehicle to make sure all is in working order. This is a time to step back, and reflect going into your true vision of 2017 and how you wish to manifest this year into your highest good!“2016 goes out with a bang! Late in the month, three connections occur between slow-moving planets. These will be the dominating themes of 2017 and they all initiate during the holiday season.So as you can see with the 12:21 Portal, Winter Solstice Diamond Merbaka Grid Activations, Solar & Planetary aspects in play all combine for December to go out with a bang!
First, on December 24th, Saturn trines Uranus. People with this alignment in their birth chart have a natural ability to change the system from within, because for them, innovation joins forces with tradition. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if some progressive changes are integrated smoothly with “the way we’ve always done it” this year?
Following quick on the heels of that one, Jupiter opposes Uranus on December 26th. This pits faith against reason, zealotry against fact and religion against science. Turbulence ahead, folks!
And finally, on December 28th, Saturn squares Chiron, bringing the archetype of the Wounded Authority to the fore. Will leadership harm or heal? It remains to be seen. December’s is the first pass of three, finishing in November and somewhat ominously perhaps, it precisely conjuncts Donald Trump’s Moon at 21º Sagittarius and closely opposes his Sun at 20º Gemini.
Other interesting stuff this month includes Mercury going retrograde on December 19th and Uranus going direct on the 29th. Taken all together, the second half of this month will set up the “whole new ball game” that is to be 2017.” By – (
Numerology and The 2017 – 1 Year ~
2017 which relates to a “1 year” in Numerology, also relates to the Sun & Magician Tarot Cards. We can expect 2017 to be a pivotal year in the continuing ascension process and that of New Earth held in a higher vibrational frequency. All that has happened prior was to place you and set you up for what comes next. 2017 will be an Action Year of Doing & Being all that relates to your authentic self and soul mission will be the primary focus. This last Diamond Grid Merkaba Activation of the 12:21 Portal is the last push of this year to further set the stage for your 2017.The Tarot Related To One Energy ~

In Tarot, The Sun card this relates to these KEYWORDS:
YES!, culminations, synthesis, wholeness, achievement, liberation, success, joy, attainment, happiness, material happiness, successful unions, accomplishments, contentment, opportunities, perfection, acceptance, good health and wellbeing, optimism, ambition, friendship, stability, union, positive outcomes.

In Tarot the Magician Card this relates to these KEYWORDS:
Focused will, creation, creativity, everything is possible, manifestation, skill, diplomacy, ability, confidence, communication, subtlety, self-confidence, work, new beginnings, activity and overwork.
So you can see how everything is lining up for the 2017 – 1 Year, for your highest good all manifesting from all of the change, transformation, endings and karmic clearing the 2016 – 9 year brought forth to set the stage for 2017s positive blessings that are on their way. Make no mistakes, the hard work is not over, but this is where the magic begins to manifest for you and your highest good!
Numerology 2017 – 1 Year
In Numerology, number 1 represents being the number of ‘new’, it is the number from which all manifestation begins. It is the energy that begins all actions and leads the way in new directions. New ideas, new projects and the desire for expansion all allow the number 1 to go forth with courage, originality and decisiveness.Many opportunities are presented in the year of 1 energy; one as a need to open up to the ‘new’ in all ways. This vibration is very independent, and will prompt one to do things their own way. A set routine or pattern is not comfortable with the 1 vibration, so spontaneity will become the norm this year and going with the flow, as you will see new ways of accomplishing tasks, analyzing data and integrating this information into your personal life and line of work. A brand new way of thinking and doing comes about with 1 energy.
In closing, prepare for December 21st by meditating on this day. Create an abundance alter in your sacred space. Focus connecting your higher self, to your mind & third eye, to your soul, body and heart. Fill up with this Diamond Merbaka energy, and anchor this into your here and now! The heart chakra expansion energy has escalated over the past week, making you aware by palpitations of its expansion. When your Diamond Merbaka activates your heart opens wide like a flower in unconditional love energy. All lower densities fade away. All worries and anxiety fade away as you become aware that you are DIVINELY on the right path, Divinely protected, and all is lining up for you in Divine Right Timing. So be it & So it is!
Big, Positive things are on the horizon for 2017! All of your hard work is about to pay off for you as the flood gates of Abundance open and come pouring in! Be open to receiving! For those who are here, 2017 will begin to show All what New Earth in a higher vibrational frequency looks like, feels like and is. The shift has already occurred. Now we anchor it here.
I’m so excited to see what 2017 brings, and I’m truly blessed to be able to share in this experience with all of you! I love you all.