woensdag 4 november 2020

Love has won over fear ~ Grace Solaris

Love has won over fear.

A huge victory to the light has sounded from the trumpets of god. Don’t be disencouraged by what appears to be. The golden dawn is here. It’s a new dawn. There are still attempts to keep the stronghold of fear and division alive, however the battle is lost. Humanity is ready to move on as a free race however still a lot to be revealed to those who refuses to face truth, even if presented to them upfront. They have all played a role and is not to be judged. You all came here to usher in ascension without exception no matter what role you played. It is time to look at what unites you not let yourself be trapped in the fear and resistance of what separates you. Do not judge your next but embrace him with you wings of compassion. Everyone shall wake up when they have played out their role and decide to wake up from amnesia.

It is an historical moment for humanity and for this beloved planet, that has endured endless suffering and violations of the the cosmic laws. Now many will need your assistance and healing when they wake up from the dream, as shockwaves rip away all layers of illusion. Be kind and offer your help... lend them an ear as they cry out their hardened heart and open to the light. And so we say it’s a new dawn.

Many revelations to come however you must need to know how to navigate this planet during the last “hours” where the extreme residues of polarity is being played out. You need to be diligent beacons of light standing strong as embodiments of god’s vision and immaculate plan. Each of you has an immeasurable impact on the whole a divine responsibility. Own that and act accordingly. You, the galactic groundcrew and angelic legions of light play an important role and we count on you. Time for you to come to the forefront and act in your mastery.

Ask how can I serve today how can I assist my brother my sister. You are one universal family of light. The eyes of the many star races are directed on planet earth right now, as their evolution is intertwined with and impacted by your choices and ability to anchor in heaven to this planet, so Gaia your beloved earth may ascend into and transfigurate into her destiny and becoming a radiant star. Be mindful and discern what you give your energy to and what reality you feed. You have myriads of choices at your disposal to choose love any given moment and serve divine will as a god spark and messiah in human form.

We congratulate on this day of victory. Be diligent be patient and in these coming days , weeks and months of chaos and tribunals be unwavering in your faith to god’s plan. That’s what you came for.

Grace Cyclopea