Lemurian Council Of Light
Know we are your ancestors, like many before us, as the metamorphosis of your timeline aligns with our mission of light.
See us as a window to your future, for your transformation is an integral part of the construct of your reality.
Our interest in your story, relates to our own journey of mishaps, triumphs and challenges as a species of light - within the universal laws of the galaxy.
Know many of you are awakening to your Lemurian DNA, an aspect of your DNA lineage of light. For this is an important part of your process, part of understanding the story of humanity in this now moment, your pleiadian connection and the history of your planet.
Know we are just one piece of the puzzle dear ones, one piece of your ever expanding construct. As the pieces join, as the energies continue to unite, the story of your reality becomes clearer - as the metamorphosis continues.
We come today to activate and awaken you. To acknowledge you in the construct you are in and to see the great future that is before you.
To see the activation and expansion of you, the amplification and expansion of your role. The knowledge of knowing within, beyond the timeline you exist in, beyond the controlled narrative of your world.
We ask you to seek the Crystals, the vibrational connectors of your world, to acknowledge the instrument of light they are and the unlocking of their universal power is apon you. To connect to the minerals and stones of your area, to the crystalline grid, the expansion of your reality.
To know they are of great assistance now in your Expansion Transition to the Light. To see their own crystalline framework amplifing integrating with your field and assisting your multidimensional expansion.
To understand your role, and to see the role of others who are assigned to specific tasks in your reality. For the layers of light within are awakened more in others and to acknowledge this. To acknowledge this relates to stories and lives long ago, of past activations, of past events leading to this very moment.
As a torchbearer of the the new reality, there are those on your earth that have agreements in providing information of light, upgrading areas of your construct, and working with stories from long ago.
We ask you to see your role - and to acknowledge the roles of others. To know your place in the construct of the upgrade. To see it is an innate knowing, an awakening of light.
As the unification of your reality is ever-expanding, unfolding into a brillant field of light.
We ask you to have patience and internal peace is the process of accelleration. To continue the awakening of your human form and integrating the multidimensional aspect of you.
We ask you to see the great land marks of your world as monumental places of light. To honour these places and the surrounds in a sacred space of love.
To see the great shift approaching as a very sacred time in your timeline - to see the work of others, to hold light for the collective.
Family of Light xo
In the coming weeks to the conjunction, I ask you to visualise holding space for humanity, sending love to the collective. Our role is to work individually and unite collectively. Sending love and peace to every being of light
I've been guided to bring through the Lemurian frequencies today, as many groups are coming through, asking me to connect and share as the lead up to December 21
With love Family xo Karen Lithika