zaterdag 24 oktober 2020

We are moving into intense energetic upgrades and more so than ever before ~ Judith Kusel

We are moving into intense energetic upgrades and more so than ever before.

You will find that you are shifting and changing so much, that you will not recognize yourself anymore and this is in truth what needs to happen and is happening now, as we step into ever higher frequency bands, and more and more into our true Lightbody form.

The deepest and most profound shift is within the heart center of humanity, and good news is that so many Lightworkers have held the light steady for all the rest of humanity, that indeed the common mass who are shifting through the 5D, has increased over the 50% mark, and is now shifting the rest of humanity!

Indeed, the truth is that we are entering a period of Oneness and Unity and Christedness, as the New Golden Age, began on the 5 July 2020.
It is truly such a immensely powerful time and in this regard, it is a time of total transformation for all of us. Indeed, transfiguration.
I am finding this true, within myself in the highest degrees. I am can feel myself shifting and expanding every single day.

I can only encourage you, to keep your own inner heart soul self, in the Upper Levels and now allow yourself to be pulled down into the lower levels anymore.
The more we, can hold the highest frequency, the more we pull the rest of humanity through the wormhole and into freedom.

I am overflowing with love and gratitude and deep inspiration as I am writing this.
Indeed, what is happening is more on the invisible plains than the visible and it is not broadcast everywhere.

This is the silent revolution. It comes not with big fanfares. It comes silently and within the heart and soul.

Yet, with every one soul awakening and moving into the 5th and higher, we are moving the rest!
What a time to be alive and well and on planet earth!

Thank you for being here and right alongside me!
Judith Kusel