donderdag 29 oktober 2020

There Will Be No Turning Back By Raising Vibrations

There Will Be No Turning Back

By Raising Vibrations

Once the divine, leaves its mark on your forehead, there will be no turning back. Those who have it can see, things that others do not.

 It comes as both a blessing, and also a tremendous responsibility. having vision, of things that most cannot see. and Foresight of things, most do not even want to comprehend. 

Knowledge of worlds far away from here. And senses that are super human. yes, its true- these souls exists. And they live amongst you. 

How will you know who they are? These souls, are spiritual super heroes. walking with the invisible stamp of approval, from the divine him/herself.

They are the wayshowers, seers, the oddballs, the sensitives, the highly intelligent, the black sheep, the chosen ones, they blend in with all the other people but they are different, the supernatural, they are the souls who have more scars than most could bare. 

They are more than human. They have come to help you. can you recognize them in a crowd? Are you one of them? Are you ready to become one of them?

This is a league of humans, that have super powers just like out of a Marvel movie. Here to save the earth, from dark forces. 

Here to assist humanity. Here from planets and space far away, to ensure the freedom of the souls that inhabit this planet. Can you feel the call? 

Now is the time, for all of the super heroes to come out of the closet and let your light shine. Are you ready to receive your calling? We welcome and receive you now. Join us, in this great awakening- and find within you, the super hero too.