First, the Reminder:
As we LEVEL UP to the higher vibrations and start matching the frequencies of the New Earth, we will no longer be rattled by the ‘adjustments’ our 3D undergoes as we Cha Cha Cha our way through the activations.
Now, the Dance:
Our 12-strand DNA is being activated. Our lightbody is being activated.
Our brain energetics are being upgraded. Our heart energetics are being upgraded.
How we metabolize food and what food sources best serve our higher-functioning self are being upgraded. Our glandular system is being upgraded. Even our physical structure seems to be getting tweaked and adjusted (sudden pains, pressure, stiffness), often on one-side of body.
Our senses, especially sight and hearing, are undergoing adjustments. Our higher sensing is coming online (the ‘clairs’). Our chakras are clearing & expanding. Our electromagnetics are ringing. We may feel odd sensations as meridians clear and chi flows with greater strength. Tingles, vibrating, sparkles, buzzing. Heat, cold. Etheric touches, pokes.
As we Enlighten-up, we’re starting to have more experiences of the Borderland ... walking in two worlds ... amazing lucid dreaming ... seeing/receiving communications from those who’ve passed over ... connecting with higher beings, celestials, guides.
We’re jumping into other worlds where we’re being given teachings and instructions. We’re receiving codes, symbols, light languages. We’re being shown truths about who we really are and what our mission is. We’re connecting with our galactic families and mission colleagues. Our dream state has become a doorway for our gliding effortlessly into other worlds during our nightly excursions.
We’re catching glimpses of lights, orbs, flashes. We’re hearing noises, sounds ... with no physical origin. We may feel energies moving by us and hear muffled conversations ... again, with no physical origin. No, we’re not going nuts, we’re going cosmic.
And here’s a good one: Do you ever have those moments where you swear you’re outside of your avatar looking at your(physical)self and everything … from your Invisible Bodyless YOUness? Um-hmm. That, too.
We’re experiencing incredible levels of Love, Compassion, and Oneness. Our hearts widening to encompass the world and beyond. Synchronicities and manifestations abound. Many are having personal experiences of mini white flash events, some while sleeping or in dream state, others while wide awake.
Perhaps best of all, while in these 3D human bodies/avatars/bio bodysuits, we are experiencing a grander taste of our delicious, magnificent Infinite Multidimensional Self.
“Don’t you know yet?
It is your light
that lights
the worlds.”
~ Rumi
“You're a shining star
No matter who you are
Shining bright to see
What you could truly be.”
— “Shining Star”
Bailey et al., Sony/ATV Music