vrijdag 6 januari 2023

Energy / ascension update: Navigating big change ~ David Alexander Lightfoot

Energy / ascension update: Navigating big change.

Hope everyone is doing okay navigating the current energies of massive change. We had a big flare, high shuman resonance and there is the full wolf moon energies also. All together very powerful. Many feel great and uplifted but there are also those who do the heavy lifting and are under attack by the dark like I am experiencing. Behind the scenes the world is being freed of greedy selfish people and the elite still trying to stop our ascension. They will go down kicking and screaming. There is much inner and outer transmutation of old energies in our relationships not serving our highest good. Those not aligned we need to let go of to keep our sovereign life in high frequency and vibration for ascension. We no longer need to save, heal anyone and cut all karmic cords and attachments to the past.

Those on a twin flame path are getting more freed of dark interference also, now seeing the truth how they were blocked and getting misleading thoughts and guidance about their divine counterpart to keep them apart knowing how powerful they are together. Only the heart knows the truth in unity love so a heart -mind connection and inner union between the feminine and masculine energies must happen on a personal level first. This counts for everyone. It is true we are moving forward moving away from the dream, the illusion of a false world we lived in that is now fully collapsing. We need to support each other stay focused on a bright future in love, peace and abundance for all. We together are one so continue to uplift, stay positive as we are no longer separated from each other. Many of us are tired of all hard work within and without creating change, transmuting, battles fought and need rest, especially the forerunners. If the world would only knew what we as lightworkers, starseeds and empaths are doing together to transmute all negative to positive unity love energies. Wishing you much love and rest David Alexander Lightfoot