WE ARE ASCENDING, or rather we are re-membering that our Diamond Avatar Self already has and always is, and ALL are and IS ALIGNING FOR US NOW, as we reach the NEW BASELINE of COSMIC God Source CONSCIOUSNESS as a Collective, fully re-membering that indeed ALL IS ONE! Now we open our arms up wide to receive the many blessings that are coming our way, as all that has kept us feeling separate from our One True Self, Source and ONE another, fully dissolves in this Tsunami of pure True Divine Love as part of this Divine Healing Dispensation from Source, washing off us the last remnants of the old artificial world. Ready to reveal to us our New Earth skies and realities!
We're looking back at what has been, we say good bye to the old artificial Matrix simulation to greet a brand new beginning, a brand new start and a brand new dawn rising, as we keep walking the Stairway to Heaven, having MERGED ALL WORLDS AS ONE now! The merging of the dimensional layers, realities/ timelines, Galaxies and Universes, as well as us merging, healing and re-unifying as ONE Cosmic Monad again, has been completed with this Solstice.
As I was working in the field during the Solstice, I was shown the healing of any remaining damage and distortions within the Andromeda Galaxy and Healing of the Heart of Andromeda of all the cataclysmic event memories taking place. This was connected to the betrayal of the Masculine and Father archetype, that was held deep within this part of our Galactic ancestral lines and Blueprints. ALL STARGATES have now been fully repaired, ALL REALITIES, REALMS, DIMENSIONS, UNIVERSES & TRIBES HAVE BEEN FULLY RESET & UNIFIED AS ONE! ALL remaining doubts, insecurities nervousness and defensiveness, all fear based thought forms and beliefs the old artificial Matrix simulation was based upon, have been fully dissolved now. Allow the energetic remnants of this to clear fully from your field as you watch any arising negative thought forms and emotions in radical Divine Neutrality, to held them fully dissolve so the REAL TRUTH and our ONE TRUE SELF and Divine Organic Creatrix Field, can be fully revealed, any moment now.
The ONE CONSCIOUSNESS, THE ONE HEART-MIND, BODY, SOUL/ COSMIC MONAD HAS BEEN FULLY RESET! ALL ILLUSIONS OF SEPARATION, OF THE MAYA OF THE MIND, FULLY DISSOLVE NOW along with all that is false and artificial! All walls of ice dissolve in the fire of our Twinning Hearts and that of Earth, through the Diamond White and Pink Flame of the Divine Cosmic Mother and Father. UNIFYing the genders and polarities fully within this sacred fire of Divine Love, purifying ALL. As all is purified and ascends through this Holy fire of the Holy Trinity and Threefold Founder Flame, re-born and fully ignited within us ALL!!
ALL FALSE REALITIES/ projections, false memories, pictures of reality, holographic overlays, inserts, implants, seals, membranes, phantom and false light matrices, FULLY DISSOLVE NOW!! UNTIL ONLY THE REAL TRUTH & CRYSTAL CLARITY REMAINS, REVEALING OUR ONE TRUE ORGANIC DIVINE CREATRIX FIELD & NEW ASCENSION EARTH REALITIES! As we re-member that ALL WE SEE IS A REFLECTION OF US, as our deepest held beliefs and expectations get projected out from within us, into our realities. NOW WE PROJECT A WHOLE NEW US & VERSION OF REALITY ONTO THE HOLOGRAPHIC SCREEN! And as if by magic, ALL SHIFTS shape! As we re-member we have co-created ALL of this as ONE, we now change the script and fill our realities with all new ideas, narratives, thought forms, beliefs, projections, and actions that help make the magic happen and COMPLETE THIS QUANTUM LEAP OF THE ONE COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS, that we are all part of! As we all-ways have, and all-ways continue to co-create our future in every now moment. Or rather we MERGE WITH the REALity we wish to experience via Frequency and Consciousness Alignment, which is held within the film strip of our multi-dimensional DNA as we re-member our true history, Cosmic Origins and with it our New Divine Blueprints and Templates and Realities fully come online too, with ALL THAT HAS HELD US BACK FULLY DISSOLVED NOW!!
EXPECT & keep co-creating BIG ASS MIRACLES!!!
They happen when we believe in our own powers of co-creation and let go and let God Source do the rest! As we re-member we are the victor, the victimizer, the hero and the villain, all remaining illusions of karmic debt dissolve in this sea of forgiveness, compassion, pure True Divine Love as all is seen now through the Eye's of God and the Higher Cosmic Consciousness.
All toxic thought forms that have created these false and toxic realities and parasitic infestations, are being fully dissolved within the Zero Point Field of Divine Love and Neutrality! Ending the Fall in Consciousness and war between good and evil once and for all!!!!! All as we trance-end any remaining judgements, opinions and beliefs, rooted in separation and distorted polarity.
As the Divine Masculine and Feminine see each other for, and embody, who THEY truly are, they HEAL each other fully and ALL OF LIFE EVERYWHERE! NOW ALL IS ONE, and they can be together again, for REAL, in the physical!! Yippee!!! FINALLY HOME with & atONE WITH our ONE True Beloved! I was also shown clearly that when we're truly true with our own Self and Heart, and don't betray our own real Truth, we will never betray or abandon ourselves or any other ever again! That's us UNIFIED WITHIN AS ONE, that's Divine Love and Union within, which is what is enabling our Collective and Cosmic Re-Union & DIVINE UNION WITH ALL OF LIFE EVERYWHERE!
Anchored, locked and sealed, and unfolding in this now. As we completed New Ascension Earth Synch. For SO IT IS!
Our Higher Source Self is fully taking over now so allow for this to happen as you fully surrender your mind to your Heart for them to become atOne to create and project heavenly realities onto the screen now. The more we listen to our inner guidance, wisdom, intuition and re-membering, and putting any inner guidance to use, the more will come. This is you TRUSTing YOU above all else and is what makes your field SOVEREIGN, as you become your own highest authority, which heals your whole morphogenetic field and ignites your own unique Divine Blueprint, Multi-dimensional DNA, Diamond Rainbow Plasma Lightbody and Merkaba vehicle and that of Earth, along with that of all other Galaxies and Universes, as ALL IS RE-BIRTHED ANEW!
Our and the Cosmic Dark Matter/ Rasha Body Template re-encryption, overwriting of Blueprints, and FULL RESET has been competed to allow our spiritual, Lightbody, mental, emotional and physical bodies and matter world's to fully merge and be RE-BORN AS ONE now! All is ready for the final ignition, which is in God's hands so to say, although it's ALL of us together as ONE, yet the how and exact linear timing is out of our control. We have pointed the arrow, the rest is up to the wind.
Super strong presence of our Lyran aspects came in and continues to be present as we fully merge with these aspects of our Cosmic heritage, and as the Lyran Stargate has been fully repaired and RESET, and with it ALL other other STARGATES throughout the Interdimensional layers as well! Fully healing the split between the genders, tribes, star races and fragmentation within the One Mind, Cosmic Monad and Consciousness! COMPLETING THE RESET OF THE ONE CONSCIOUSNESS & OUR REALITIES! HEALING ALL & EVERYTHING!
Timelessly so.. Merging particle and antiparticle Universes and matter to RE-BIRTH ALL OF CREATION ANEW!! IT IS DONE! Now we will see how this, the pole and magnetic field shift will unfold and complete in the physical realm and within our own bodies, as our Multi-dimensional DNA, Golden Diamond Sun, and Krystar SAphiRA Diamond Rainbow Plasma Lightbody, and Merkaba vehicle Activations are vastly accelerating and being fully ignited now, and the shift becomes visible to ALL!
Now we FULLY LET GO of the slingshot, the arrow, and leave the rest up to the wind. We let Source take over to show us The Way and The REAL TRUTH, and blow all of our Heart-Minds wide open as The Supernova of The Heart Event fully ignites the Cosmic Heart, which completes this paradigm shift of The ONE Cosmic Consciousness and our realities!! For so it was written, and SO IT IS DONE! Eternal Love, Ramona