zaterdag 24 december 2022

Happy Holidays and best Christmas wishes to all ~ David Alexander Lightfoot

Happy Holidays and best Christmas wishes to all of my Love, Light & Soul Family, the lightworker, the starseeds, the empaths and twin flames community. To all on the path of ascension.
Thank you for doing such an amazing job serving the Divine and breaking through the veil of illusion, leaving the old dark world behind by creating and stepping into a new world of love and light through ascension.

We have done it, we have freed ourselves and are now connecting with higher dimensional Unity love bringing peace and heaven back to earth.
This year 2022 has been tough navigating with so many challenges but we made it and higher Christ consciousness is being grounded for all of us to receive the blessings so well deserved.

We are in the final stages of death of the old world completely. We are no longer stuck and controlled. We are rebirthing the new and what better divine timing than to start fresh being reborn with Christmas right
Be aware many people still feel lost and alone not knowing what is going on, healing past resurfaced hurt. Many people around the world are awakening now. Some people miss family or a beloved.

Spending time with Family at Christmas can trigger old stuff too however we have healed so much and grown so much we stepped out of any family karma and drama. It should not affect us anymore, we should feel more balanced now we have balanced the divine masculine and feminine in unity within.
We are never alone if we connect with new family on the ascension path as they understand. We connect also by putting our divine mother-father God / source first.

Spending Christmas this year is more magical than the all the years before, true love, peace and freedom are the air.
Many love relationships will change, become stronger or finally happen. Keep your heart open , dreams become true now.
Twin flames relationships included, no more chasing, no more running, no more hiding. Just be your authentic self, you can not be afraid of yourself right, this is what your divine counterpart is, it is you it is the same soul and amazing energy

The new year 2023 will be our year.
Yes there will be big changes and events happen however we stay the observer.
We also no longer need to carry, pull up or heal anyone , it is done, the collective has shifted, the divine is now back in control.

Take time for yourself as much is still shifting but know:
We can finally love fully
With open heart
This is how it was meant to be
And to not live apart
To be one with all
To be whole again, to feel complete
To be given this new life
With the Divine on the driver’s seat

Wishing you many Christmas and Holiday miracles.
With much love & divine blessings
David Alexander Lightfoot