December 22: Energy update: The hurts, people, and patterns you’ve been carrying from the past are being removed. The energy cords to them are cleared so you can progress forward into your destiny. Your tools for creation are restoring as you continue returning back into your original Divine Blueprint.
It is important to create sacred space to seek this Blueprint within. Be honest about what is holding you back. Are you living the life others want for you, or is this the life you have created and love?
Now that your energy is recovering, it is easier to re-evaluate if you are filling up your own cup first. This is a valuable opportunity to receive a balanced life and lifestyle that is fulfilling your needs, and making you happy.
The powerful energies of the 1221 palindrome portal is bridging the One that is Two, and the Two that are One, through the consciousness. The inner marriage of the left and right hemispheres of the brains are intertwining together along the path home to enlightenment. With this Masculine and Feminine return to self, we are accessing the infinite through our thoughts that create a new quantum reality.
The Goddess Age is here bringing new Feminine energies of the Divine Mother, the Holy Spirit. She is helping the inner child heal, and above all, move on from all the drama induced during the Piscean Age. The energies must shift into these Divine Feminine frequencies to bring us universal balance.
This Feminine is of Galactic Andromedan origins, which is awakening our Andromedan DNA and birthrights of Creation. Here we begin our New Earth timeline as One Heart and One Consciousness field.
Jupiter is back in Aries for the next 5 months, opening the doors to launch a new long term cycle of success. The old earth systems that controlled the collective on Earth has collapsed. Together we rise into the new Leaders of the Way on Earth, in service to the Collective.
We have been preparing lifetimes for this shift of Ages. God is now launching us into our New Earth roles and positions under His authority, with our New Covenant contract in place.
Expect to be the high vibrational light that will help show those stuck in the dark The Way out. Know that you are being kept safe and protected to hold this much power and light without being harmed. Divine miraculous healing will occur as we quickly raise into the Light Body.
Everything that was difficult and painful is transforming into lightness and being supported. All attachments to other people will transmute bringing you to a zero point and a fresh start.
he Higher Heart Chakra is integrating the Higher Monad into the physical body, merging you with your Galactic origins and Galactic self. This is the frequencies of Christ that are downloading through the higher cosmic chakras into the lower physical chakras. Here we become one flesh with our higher selves.
From this point forward as merged with all aspects of yourself, you will have a better over-standing of who you are, where you’ve come from, and why you are here. Birthrights from your genetic ancestry you incarnated into are also arising to claim back as yours.
This fulfills your life cycle as one flesh under the Most High with your Higher Monad version of self in place. Here we neutralize the past, and as a Soul Family become One Body of Christ under the Most High God. This has already completed in the Aethers and is now manifesting into the material, through each of our flesh vessels, for our physical return to Source. All is One.
Coconut water, detox baths, saunas, hot teas with cayenne pepper, ginger, honey, and turmeric, nutrient dense soups, and being outside in nature will support this integration. Keep the body warm and stay hydrated.
With divine love
from Carolyn YHWH