zondag 20 november 2022

A new transmission today ~ Raising Vibrations

A new transmission today
To The Ascension LightWorkers / Starseed Souls
What you do here makes a big difference
and you have now decided what kind of difference you want to make in the world .
Who you were, who you are, and who you
will be are three different people.
Have patience while your system integrates these inner changes , you are recalibrating
And you are being prepared for what you
asked for , trust the divine order.
It's like time has slowed down ,
Many are feeling a stirring in the world,
a deeper stirring on the inside and a stirring within .
Many shifts have happened in the last 3 weeks and we still can't see quite where it’s all going .
This has created a stirring and slowing down energy as we wait to see how things will unfold.
Take this time to rest, surrender and lay your foundations down in strong faith and trust.
Take care of your body and know everything is working for your highest timeline.
Be clear about your intentions.
Envision your desired future and how you will be feeling in your future timelines .
It's within your reach , remain persistent
in pursuing it.
See, think and feel it as though it's already happening now .
Start making room for what you prayed for
Because it’s on its way .
It’s time to let go of the old story
So the Universe can write you a new one.
intention bring success in everything
you do.
Intention is always supported by
the universal energy because it's a vital
ingredient for manifestation.
We have all been damaged , or at least felt that way , We have all had to learn painful lessons. We are all still recovering from some mistakes , losses , betrayals , abuse, karmic encounters , injustice or misfortune.
All of life is a process of recovery that never seems to end.
We each must find ways to accept and move through the pain and to pick ourselves back up.
For each stab of grief, depression, doubt or
despair there is also an incredible drive toward renewal and healing .
Each tragedy is an announcement that some good will indeed come in time.
Be patient and kind with yourself.
The truth is You are the creator of your own destiny it is a time for you to action and put aside the procrastinations .
Through your optimism and your divine light you will succeed towards any path you take and go further where others couldn't.
So Keep shining bright and you will create
a legacy no others can deny you .
You are a source of support for a lot of people in your life.
You offer compassion and acceptance for those around you. Your love always shines , because you are a light for others even if others may not tell you.
When we embody love we are the most powerful version of ourselves.
In Divine Love ,Light and Blessings
Ascension LightWorkers
Image Pintrest
Instagram 'raisingvibrationswithjo'