donderdag 5 mei 2022

Starseeds do not see anything as separate from them ~ Mary Long

Starseeds do not see anything as separate from them, we have always known there is a purpose for all that occurs during these vibrant shifts.

If one still feels and sees themselves as separate from the whole no matter what another's energy field may feel like, it is important to remember that not all are completely aware of their wholeness.

The World stage continues to do its best to make us think we are separate from one another, that those that control our thoughts still have power over us, when truly they do not.

When we see this World and everything of it as a Blessing instead of a Problem and we move into this space of wholeness, one knows that everything is always in Divine Order.

I have found myself to be more accepting of all that goes on outside of myself and I see many changes taking place that are true blessings to Humanity.

There are many lightworkers and starseeds that have stepped in to bring out the technologies that have long been hidden from Humanity, yet some see these as evil because truly one is not taking a moment to go within and see how this is part of the Divine Plan.

So much has been hidden for eons and as collective energy shifting in each an every moment to higher plains of consciousness, many still lagging behind looking for something to keep themselves separate from it all.

As an observer I see many old energies playing out and many who are still stuck in the matrix of 3D, oh they will claim they are not yet still express who is evil and who is not.
This is still a Form of Separation.

When all see the beauty of this world even through the darkness that is coming to the surface to be healed and transformed is when one truly has come to a place of oneness within themselves.

The mind is a beautiful part of us, but there is a big difference between the brain and the mind. Brain is like an electromagnetic field of energy and whatever we focus on we truly continue to create. I say this quite often but I feel the need to keep saying it.

Utilize your energy for the good of all, even those you may see as Evil or not vibrating at the same frequency. Because it is in this Space that we Love all and really see no difference between the darkness and the light in knowing that all is a part of the One infinite energy field of this planet and the universe.

Stop looking for answers in the outside world and start looking within yourselves because everything one ever needs to know is deeply embedded within the DNA structure of their own energetic field of consciousness that is connected to the One Universal energy that many of us call God/Source/Creator.

Embrace that deep Love that is within you that is connected to all things where there is no separation but only Oneness.