donderdag 5 mei 2022

Rowena - Keep Up the Long Road to Ascension

Rowena - Keep Up the Long Road to Ascension

Dear brothers of this beautiful planet! I'M ROWENA!

It is with great joy that I come here today, to lavish you a lot of Love and a lot of Light. At this point in your journey it is important to maintain balance, it is important to always try to walk the most correct path. You have gone through a very transformative process within your soul. Now it is necessary for all of this to solidify within your minds, so that the process can happen together.

Each day, as you get up, be grateful for the whole journey, be grateful that you are living all these experiences. Remember that it is not available to everyone; not because they don't see them, but because they don't want to participate in it. And you have an understanding and awareness of what all of this is bringing you. For some it has been easy, for many it has been extremely complicated and difficult.
But always think the following: Everything in the universe has a beginning and an end. Yes, even energies, they are born and if they are not maintained, they have an end. What we are trying to do is keep the energies active all the time, but we have to charge them for that. So always think that this whole process, which now seems so difficult, will come to an end. But this end is linked to learning. If you go through the process and learn, it effectively ends, the lesson has been learned. But if tomorrow you repeat the same mistake, the lesson is resumed with a much greater intensity, and when dealt with again, it will come to an end.

So realize that suffering is only maintained if you carry it, if you give energy to it, if you don't try to solve it, if you always keep it aside without giving due importance, then that energy remains. So why not put an end to every problem? We are all around you, ready to help you make a decision, take a path, however difficult it may be. We give strength to your hearts, we give you Unconditional Love so that you can find the exits, find the paths. Never doubt it. But we need permission, we need your request, we can't do anything without your permission. So ask for our help and we will have a lot of Love to give you, to help you through each difficult phase of this journey.

I would say the following: Look ahead, as on a road that has nothing beside it, it is a road without end. You are on a climb, there is no way to know how much road there is at the top of the hill, but at the bottom, you see an extremely bright sun. So you know you're going to the Light, you're not going down the dark path. As hard as the road is, the climb is often arduous, at the end of that road there will be Light. But not this Light that you are used to, there will be the perfect Light, the Light of Unconditional Love.

So don't be discouraged, don't be discouraged. The top of this road is the passport to receive all that Light. Sometimes it seems that this road gets a little longer, and it's not an illusion, it shrinks and stretches as you learn the lessons. If lessons are learned, it shrinks; if the lessons are kept without learning, it stretches, so that you continue at that point; do not pass that obstacle. So the more you do for yourselves, for your souls, the more this road shrinks. Until the day will come when you will reach that top. What's on the other side is a big surprise, you have no idea what's there.

So just look at the horizon, look at that extremely high road. It's not low, it's very high, it's a big climb and the feeling you get is that the higher you go, the more road there is to walk. And I would say this is not an illusion, but the road isn't stretching, it's just showing, because it's so long that it wouldn't fit within your vision where it ends. So, as you walk, it actually shows where it is, where it is going.

But don't be discouraged, don't be discouraged. This road has an end which is the Fifth Dimension. Keep walking on it, at every point of this road, of this great climb, there are gifts, there are improvements, there are enlightened paths, where you start to see and learn more and more things. But, the road is uphill and any misstep, you can slip. And the slide is long, it hurts. But don't get discouraged, keep going up, go up again. The scraped knees heal quickly, resume the climb and so it will be until you reach the top of this road.

Trust us, trust all the Love we have to give you. Ask for our help and I will place each one of you in that field of pink roses of mine, extremely fragrant, vibrant, beautiful and you can walk through them because they don't have thorns, it's a special field where roses don't hurt, they they just welcome them. And in the middle of this field of roses repeat the following:
“Roses are sweet.
Love is sweet.
The not-so-sweet walk,
but my walk is firm, it is arduous, it is courageous.
And as I walk, I will make you extremely sweet!”

This is my contribution, for you to follow this period of calm, for you to balance yourself with my words and my energy. My Pink Ray covers each of you with so much Love. Use this ray and abuse it. He is pure Unconditional Love; and it will help you to look down that road so long and so high with great faith, with great certainty that you will make it to the top.