Do you share your pain with everyone?
Only an understanding and empathetic heart can feel what you might be going through. So, it is important that you share your life with those who truly want you to heal.
When we are going through a painful phase of life, we feel the need to reach out and open up our hearts. It is not worth opening up your heart and sharing your pain with every person you come across. Not everyone has such an empathetic heart.
Talking to someone like that only adds to the pain because it doesn't help at all in your healing. Rather, talk to those who truly care and if you don't find any person, interact with your inner being.
No matter how much you feel the need to let your emotions out, be sure it's the right person. The person who understands can put you at ease while a person who doesn't, will only add to the unease.
Dr Bhawna Gautam
Artist Unknown