To those who feel in the need of steady company at this time of reading.
We are never alone. When we feel rejected, unloved, alone and isolated those are the times that our guides and angels, Your Company of Heaven, who have always been with you, are VERY CLOSE.
And Now you have us, HUman angels to stand beside holding Unity space and tone with you, as you take your next steps.
I venture to say that there is not one who visits here who would not offer a hand. You are Loved beyond your present conception, and how courageous you have been to forget that you are totally worthy, lovable, and loving, and relearn from the bottom up. So courageous to come here to Earth to experience all the unkind lies told to you about yourself, and to carry in your subconscious, all the lies told to your ancestors of their unworthiness.
So now you are letting go of this entire illusion by undoing the unkind lies you are saying to yourself.
Feel us all gathered around you for it is the reality of our Shining and it is the reality of yours when you feel raised up.
Look to the higher layers of relationship with LIGHT/LOVE. Start bringing your very own Company of Heaven in closer to you.
As you disengage from the “movie”, how about engaging more consciously with the hierarchy of layers of Being and layers of Light, Your Friends from Home present from your own increasing Light quotient.
YOU are not nor have ever been Alone.
Let all the lies you are telling yourself go now, it is time.
No recriminations, no long analysis just the simple act of noticing and replacing the beliefs with intentional true remembrance of What you ARE. Love incarnate AND a Mighty Soul of LIGHT guiding the Beautiful HUman that you are.
Let the tears come not for self-pity but in release and thankfulness for the KNOWING (feeling "wrapped in a cacoon" of Love).
And as you do so, your compassion for yourself grows, and you bring back the feeling and aliveness that was submerged under the pain and has been encrusted around your Heart. This is Self-love and love in the reconnection of returning to Oneness.
To the entanglement of Quantum Heartspace.
Feel your SHINE.
WE So Love You
PS. And there is a big call on this day from the depth of the Heart of HUmanity to hear this.
And I would remind those who are stepping into their Love that this field we share is a Quantum Field and thus every move you make into your Lovingness makes it easier for the next person to step into theirs. It is your greatest service to Love being YOU.
And I so honour you for your courage to be here and show your Lovingness.
Feel your SHINE, as you consciously let in more LIGHT, higher LIGHT, as we all draw closer together.
Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou.