When your Pineal Gland starts to work properly and your aura becomes huge and powerful, you don't only see people around you,
You also feel everything about them,
Their emotions, their frustrations, their fears,
their internal lies, you perceive their energetic field, especially if affected by negative charge,
you become so sensitive, every Word not said Is like a sword that can cut through your skin.
It might happen that somebody could Unconsciouly feel the need to step into your energetic field to restore his own One, it's up to you how to allow that, please bear in mind that your aura extends now for many meters and can shift entire Neighborhoods, when you walk among the streets you are cleansing the quantum field from negative charge.
The best way to be always on a High vibration without being affected by those around you is to focus on lovely thoughts about how to be more in Service to Others.
It's like a command to your Aura: be sealed and strong, heal everywhere you go, nothing and nobody except Love can enter Here.
Open your eyes!!
Actually, there have been many things done to prevent the humans from being able to expand
their pineal gland- which keeps them from their own divinity.
You can help open it through many methods:
Proper diet
energy healing /shadow healing
sound healing and frequencies
lots of outdoor activities
sun gazing
Creator and Author.
Mike Harrigan.
I Am.
You Are.
We Are.
Global Consciousness..