Your imagination is far more real than the mind chatter and the mind constructions you would place on everything.
In learning to play with your consciousness you are coming across this same dilemma.
Are you making it up or is it real.
It is your choice. Do you choose it to be real or made up.
Only you can make that decision.
Are you going to let yourself have it be real?
You are on the cusp of having your dreams come true.
So allow the mind to rest from its put down, doubting habits and you letting your mental mind have its way.
When you come to a point of fear, doubt and uncertainty, that is the time to simply say ”The Universe is unfolding perfectly as it does and I am Home.” Then you simply move into it all with your next breath, your next step.
You have created all your experience, and you are about to create much much more.
WE are creating it through a new expanded and limitless collective consciousness.
So drop forever the doubt in yourself, the doubt in Us, in the WE (the Yous and the me).
We are to see everything and anything possible and we are poised for the process of creating something so Grande, so Magical, so Miraculous.
I So Love You.
We are about to create something that we all have the blueprint for. The last 7 years has been a time of shedding the old blueprint. Each of us will still develop our own version of it, our own point of expression. Each an integral LIGHT encoded key to the Whole.
Each a brilliant fractal moment in a Great mandala of infinite patterns, colours and songs. Blending, playing and dancing together as we reverberate through the cosmos our harmony of Soul in HUman in the Being.
No more distinctions of race, sex, colour, or creed.
There are only Nova Gians.
We the Peoples of the Starship Gaia….Perhaps??